Chapter 25: The Lie

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    Sarabi gasped herself awake when she felt someone brush something against her eyes. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light before she recognized Rafiki standing in front of her.

    "Sorry to wake you," Rafiki whispered. "I was trying to see our dear friend, Mufasa. I was making sure that you weren't in the same condition."

    Sarabi shook her head. "No, I'm okay. I'm just really worried about him," she confessed. She sniffed his breath and realized that he was about in the same condition.

    Rafiki nodded in understanding. He reached forward and pressed two fingers on the bulge. "As you should be, but I think that he's out of the reeds for now. He just needs to wake up and then he'll be pretty sore. You'll watch out for him, won't you?"

    "Of course. I'm his friend," Sarabi whispered.

    Rafiki laughed as he stretched out his hand. He tapped her cheek in amusement. "Sure you will. I know that you will," he told her.

    Sarabi blinked her eyes in surprise as her head drew slightly back. "Yeah, okay." She let out another yawn and rested her head back on her paws. Her eyes started to close and she delved back into sleep.


    Sarabi felt something stir against her and wake her up. Her eyes opened hopefully when she saw Mufasa moving against her. "Mufasa," she breathed hopefully.

    Mufasa moaned as he lifted a paw to his head. "Sarabi, what happened," he rasped before he let out a weak cough that shook his shoulders.

    "Long story," she replied as relief showed on her face. She leaned forward and touched her nose to his. Mufasa almost jumped in surprise. "I thought I was going to loose you."

    "Loose me," echoed Mufasa in surprise. "I'm alright. Nothing's going to happen to me, I promise."

    Tears showed in Sarabi's gaze. She suddenly pulled away and looked away as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She swallowed back a harsh, choked out sob as she lifted a paw to rub at her eyes. Her body went rigid as her heart ached deep within her chest.

    "Hey," Mufasa began. He stretched out a paw and touched her shoulder. He pulled gingerly, but she easily shrugged him off. "What's wrong?"

    "You didn't see yourself earlier and you probably don't remember. You were just laying there. I was so scared. I just saw you so limp and I had to help carry you here. Then, I laid with you and helped Abaku force herbs into your system. You have no idea how scared I was," whispered Sarabi with a powerful sniff of grief.

    Mufasa sighed in understanding. He lifted his paw once more and rested it on her shoulders. "Sarabi look at me." She didn't budge. "Look at me."

    The more forceful tone to his voice caused Sarabi to turn. He ears pinned against her head as she glanced up at Mufasa. "What?"

    "I know that you were scared. I know. I didn't mean for that to happen. You know that. I'm so sorry," Mufasa began. He leaned slight forward and nudged her slightly wet cheek with his muzzle. He licked her tears away in an effort to calm her.

    Sarabi leaned forward and brushed her head and muzzle into Mufasa's thick mane. He was now growing to be the size of his father. She let out a deep breath and relaxed his strong muscles and soft purr that rolled in the back of his throat.

    "Hey, Sarabi," whispered Mufasa.

    Sarabi pulled herself away from Mufasa. "Yes?"

    "Do you want to go for a walk," Mufasa offered with his paws almost folding in on themselves in embarrassment.

    Sarabi's eyes alit in mischief as she nodded slowly. "I'll tell you what. When you can actually manage a walk without falling over, then I'll go, but Abaku has to say that you can go first."

    "I always knew that you were a stickler for the rules, Sarabi, but come on," complained Mufasa as he touched his nose to her ear.
    Sarabi purred warmly as she lifted a paw and gingerly pushed Mufasa's muzzle. Mufasa laughed just as pawsteps sounded coming toward them. The two turned their heads as Uru and Ahadi appeared at the entrance wit relief on their faces.

    "Thank goodness," exclaimed Uru as she darted forward. She touched her nose to her son's cheek before she lapped at him between his ears. "My little cub is safe!"

    "I'm fine," Mufasa chided as he glance over to Sarabi in embarrassment.

    Ahadi let out a soft purr as he sat down beside his son. "Of course he's alright. He's heir to the thrown and my son. I knew that he would be alright," he boasted.

    Uru looked at him quizzically before he nodded. "Uh huh, sure." She winked over to Sarabi and Sarabi swallowed a snicker so not to embarrass Mufasa any further.

    "I'm feeling much better, don't worry." Mufasa glanced shyly over to Sarabi. "All thanks to Sarabi I hear."

    "You had best not let that one get away," Uru whispered, loud enough for both Mufasa and Sarabi to hear. She continued to nod slowly while both Mufasa and Sarabi blushed in embarrassment.

    Ahadi rose to his paws and pushed his head against his mate's shoulder. "Could you give us a moment, lionesses," he requested.

    Realizing that that meant her too, Sarabi rushed to her paws. She shook out her fur before she padded forward slowly. "I'll see you in a little bit," murmured Sarabi as she rose back to her paws and arched her back in a massive stretch. She followed Uru out of the den while his father spoke to him.

    "Mufasa, I need you to be honest with me. Abaku hasn't told me anything. I was wondering if you knew how it happened," pressed Ahadi.

    Mufasa froze as he looked at his father for a moment. He shook his head firmly. "I don't remember much," he replied as a lump rose in his throat.

    "Are you sure? You would tell me if there was, though, right," Ahadi pondered as he leaned forward with his shoulder brushing his son's. "Your condition was pretty serious."

    I don't even know why I'm defending him! I mean, I guess because Dad would literally shred his pelt from his body. He doesn't deserve that for an honest mistake, right?

    "I'm sure. It's a blur from then anyway. I'm sure that Abaku told you that," pointed out Mufasa as he shrugged slowly. "Now, can you send Sarabi back in? She's a better conversationist than you."
    Ahadi stretched out a paw and ruffled the fur between Mufasa's ear. "Watch that smirk or I may have to do that for you," chided Ahadi good naturally. With that, he headed out of the den and Sarabi padded back in.

    "What was that about," she whispered.

    Mufasa sighed heavily. "He just wanted to know about how this happened. Please tell me that you didn't say anything."

    "No, I didn't," Sarabi reassured as she sat beside him. "Was I supposed to?"

    "Not at all. He can't know. I don't know if what happened with Taka was an accident or not, but I don't want to start anything that I can't finish," confessed Mufasa as he rested his head back on his paws. "I wish we could just go back when things were so much simpler."

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