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Lauren's POV

"Hey Mom, can I have some money to fly to California to move in with my cousin?"

"Yea, sure baby, I'll get your ticket for you. Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yes I'm doing good, I just don't really like it here in Miami, I talked to Alisha and she said I could move in with her."

"Alright, I'm sorry dad kicked you out, but if you want to come home you can."

I think for a second,

Should I come home?

"No I'll just move in with Alisha."

"Alright sweetheart I'll call you in a little bit, Love you."

"Love you too Mom bye."

I hang up the phone and start to pack.

I cry when I'm done.

How can I do this? Will I fail in life, will I even go to college since I dropped out of highschool?

All these thoughts go through my head, I don't know what to do. All of my bags are sitting on the bed.

I walk down to the lobby to talk to the landlord, about me moving.

I see Camila talking to her so I immediately walk away. She saw me and runs to me,

"No Camila I don't want to hear it!"

"Lauren, stay, I didn't really mean those things I said I swear. Kenzie is just trying to break us up I know it."

"Camila, I don't know it really hurt and I don't want to talk to you guys I'm just going to leave."

"No Lauren you're staying!"

"Camila, you can't tell me what to do, I'm moving in with my cousin Alisha in California and that's final. You are going to have to get someone else for your shop." I turn around feeling a hand on my shoulder so I turn around and punch her.

She has a bloody nose an I start to feel really guilty. Tears fall from my face and I run up to my apartment.

Miami Tears (A Camren FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now