Chapter 19 The test

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The next morning Izuku woke up feeling like he was ready to take on the world but for some reason all his wives were in the bed with him and Momo but he didn't really mind because as he got up he made a healthy breakfast so everyone would have stamina for the test.

As they left for school everyone from class 1-A was nervous and so as Aizawa walked into the class and said

Aizawa: do your last minute preparations because once we start this test there is no turning back.

(All teacher vs student matches Cannon except Izuku's)

As the students who passed celebrate a job well done everyone had anticipated the fight that they were waiting to see over he intercom was announced "Izuku Midoriya step into the field" as he made his way to his test he was greeted by the team he worked with.

Gan Torino: are you ready?

Ingenium: I won't hold back

Midnight: this will be a challenge

Kamui woods: time to prove yourself

AllMight: young Midoriya time to show us your potential

As Izuku planted his feet firmly on the ground and took a deep breath and waited for the buzzer to sound.

(Beep.. beep.. beeeeeeep)

The fight had started and AllMight decided to aim for the first strike but Izuku faded into the portal of Darkness using shadow step to keep ahead of them with his speed AllMight called for a regroup and back to back formation in order for them to keep eyes on all directions little did they forget about the gap in the middle and whispered into Midnights ear

Izuku: who are we looking for?

Midnight: we're looking for Izuku Midoriya.

The second she answered that question Izuku grabbed her and took her into the portal everyone was Shocked at how he was able to slip passed them as he took her to a different part of the battle field so he could eliminate her from being the toughest obstacle in his way. As Izuku reappeared he stood before the remaining 4 and spoke.

Izuku: I've incapacitated Midnight sensei now remains the three toughest opponents ingenium, Gran Torino and kami woods

Everyone was Shocked to hear that Midnight sensei was taken out easy she was one of the top ranking heroes as ingenium and gran Torino have decided to charge at Izuku while Kamui woods  decided to capture him in a sneak attack as Izuku charged his power and released three clones and now Kamui Woods couldn't create a prison fast enough to capture three Izuku's.

As Izuku's clones fought Gran Torino, Ingenium and Kamui woods the real Izuku was preparing to trade blows with AllMight going toe to toe and Izuku's clones used Chains of purgatory to restrain the three heroes as they were restrained they were cuffed and now it was only Izuku VS AllMight.

Everyone who was observing the fight was in shock and awe that Izuku could hold his own against top heroes the only person who got frustrated was Katsuki he couldn't stand to see anyone outshine him. From this moment on Katsuki grew a deeper hatred for Izuku and formed a fist hard enough to cut his palms nobody noticed this but this from this point on bakugou would never be the same again.

(Back to the fight)

As Izuku and AllMight began trading punches they're fist clashing Izuku created enough space to blast him with Dark Aura while this pushed AllMight away in a split second he dashed and speared Izuku while he was off balance from the spear AllMight cocked his fist back and punched him directly in the Solar Plexuses

(A/N: Solar Plexuses is a nerve that lies in the pit of the stomach getting hit there causes you to lose air)

As Izuku was losing air and couldn't breathe AllMight used this as an opportunity to attack continuously but little did AllMight know Izuku had something up his sleeve and as AllMight had activated 30% of his power to attack as he closed in for the winning blow before making contact Izuku used dark repulse before the impact which created a huge explosion that sent the two flying apart from eachother but little did AllMight know Izuku had cuffed him a split second before the explosion of there powers had made contact.

AllMight: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Midoriya my boy you are one worthy opponent.

As AllMight said this while peeling himself off the wall he was stuck on only to see Midoriya wrapped in his wings to cushion the impact hat sent them flying.

Izuku: thanks for the great fight AllMight I've learned a lot from this.

As a robotic voice sounded from the observation room (Izuku Midoriya has successfully captured his opponents)

Everyone lost their minds as soon as Izuku and all his opponents walked inside the observation room. Everyone was praising Izuku except Katsuki who in his rage began throwing a tantrum like a child

Katsuki: Why are you praising this bastard he not so special!!!!!!

AllMight: Watch your tone boy you think you can go toe to toe with any of us?

Katsuki: I can and I'll show all of you whose better.

(A few seconds later)

As Katsuki woke up in the school nurse's office he was confused at what happened when recovery girl saw him she told him

Recovery Girl: well you're awake dear have some candy and head home before it gets later.

Katsuki: what happened I challenged AllMight and everyone Deku fought but I don't remember anything

Recovery Girl showed him the recording from the observation room and the second the match was to begin they knocked him out cold and he completely embarrassed himself in front of the class this only boiled the hatred he already held within now this added gasoline to the fire. As Katsuki left from the nurse's office mumbling curse words and blaming Izuku for his failure.

As Katsuki got home he was greeted by his parents and they wanted to talk to him but he locked himself in his room.

Mitsuki: Why cant you be more like Izu-chan and be kind.

This said by his own mother made him snap and decided that all the these things in his life that went wrong  was all Izuku's fault.

(Hope you guys enjoy the update sorry my work schedule is crazy now)

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