Chapter 16 The hunt for The Hero Killer

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The Next morning after Izuku and Momo embraced each other in a night of passion Izuku already knew what his team will be for the persecution of the hero killer it was composed of heroes who's quirks would benefit him in a way to keep everyone safe.

As both Izuku and Momo got ready for school they had breakfast and made they're way to school and on the drive to school Izuku spoke to Momo.

Izuku: Momo I know you don't want me to take this mission because I might not come back but don't worry I'll come back to you.

Momo: How can you be so sure about that the hero killer has already killed multiple heroes. We got the news about the pro hero native was left half dead I don't want that for you.

Izuku: I won't end up like the pro hero native because I came up with a team that is sure to keep everyone safe and the probability of everyone coming back safe and sound is at an extreme high. So don't worry too much I'll be coming home to you

Momo: okay I trust your judgement but please do be careful I'd be crushed to know you won't be with me.

(At school)

Once at school Izuku made his way to the principal's office and as he opened the door he saw the furry mouse bear creature waiting for the team Izuku would name to go and capture the hero killer. As Izuku approached the desk to speak with principal Nezu but Nezu beat him to the punch.

Nezu: Izuku Midoriya I assume you're here to tell me the members of the team you wish to take on this mission.

Izuku: Yes sir I've made my decision an the heroes I'd like to take with me are Midnight, Kamui woods, ingenium. To be honest I didn't know who else to take but I'd like a hero with years of experience so we can have a stable foundation for this team.

Upon hearing this a voice was heard "HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!" it was AllMight who walked through the door and said

AllMight: young Midoriya I just heard about the issue you're having so if possible would you like me to contact my master? I'm sure he'd be willing to help.

Izuku: Really thank you I really appreciate it if you would call that favor in for me on my behalf I'll be heading to class now. What time would I start the mission.

Nezu: This mission begins tonight and you will be exempt from class for the rest of the week until this mission is complete.

Izuku: okay then I'm off to class now thanks again.

As Izuku walks towards his class Izuku begins to think about what kind of person AllMight's master is but didn't have much time to think about it since he was already a his classroom as he walked in he was greeted by an angry Aisawa.

Aisawa: Is there a reason why you are showing up late to my class Midoriya?

Izuku: Sorry Aisawa Sensei I was speaking with principal Nezu about my hero internship.

Aisawa: Ah yes that's right it slipped my mind, As I was saying before you walked in everyone's hero internship is on hold for now As everyone shouted in unison

The whole class:"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!  This isn't fair"

Aisawa: The reason why the internship program is getting put on hold is due to the appearance of the hero killer. The only one allowed to do his hero internship is Midoriya

Katsuki: Why is the bitch the only one who gets to work as a pro!!!!!

Aisawa: He was asked by the principal to hunt down and capture the hero killer since Midoriya is practically almost as powerful as AllMight.

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