Chapter 24 Evil plan

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(For those of you who were confused on the last chapter here is the explanation)

Soon after joining the league of villains Katsuki was filled in to all the notorious plans that were planned. Now Shigaraki walked into the bar and began discussing a massive plan to do away with heroes.

Tomura: Listen up everyone I got a plan that will make life easier for us and miserable for everyone else.

As the group of villains began mutter as they were curious about the plan it was until Tomura had silenced everyone and began to explain the plan.

Tomura: Okay now that I have your attention I've kidnapped the mayor of Mustafa city and I have Toga use her quirk to pass off as him. As she passes off as the mayor she will sign the documents saying that U.A highschool will be disbanded and she will pass laws that prohibit heroes from doing hero work anyone who disobeys this law will be shot with this.

As Tomura showed this to his leauge of villains they wondered what was so special and he explained to them

Tomura: These are quirk erasing bullets and they will do the job because we will supply the army with these to keep any hero from acting up.

Now everyone knew that this could mean no hero would dare stand in their way if it meant losing their quirk.

Katsuki: how did you make these bullets?

Tomura: it's a special way to make these bullets and before I tell you Katsuki, I gotta know can you think of anyone who's worth recruiting because in order for us to overwhelme the heroes we need more villains.

Katsuki: I can think of someone he was rejected on the first day of U.A I bet he wants revenge against eraserhead

Tomura: Good recruit him and if he agrees you'll meet the boss behind the operation and ell reward you greatly.

As Katsuki leaves he villain hideout in disguise he looks for a grape headed kid only to hear a conversation from girls passing by " I can't believe that purple haired perv was accepted to U.A but got expelled." Katsuki recognize the uniform they wore it was from a low teir highschool.

As Katsuki was getting closer to the Highschool he passed by a near by park and there he saw the target he was looking for as he approached him Katsuki had his face covered by his hoodie as he sat down near the purple haired teen with his confidence shattered.

Katsuki: Mineta Minoru right?

Mineta: huh? Are you talking to me?

Katsuki: Well there isn't anyone sitting on this bench but you and me now is there.

Mineta: Do I know you?

Katsuki: yes you know me

As he flashed a small explosion in his hand and it clicked together for Mineta. This guy was 2nd or 3rd for the quirk apprehension test

Mineta: what do you want from me.

Katsuki: I came to offer you power, do you wish to make those who crushed your dreams pay?

Mineta: yes I want power I want revenge

Katsuki: then join me and my allies will bestow upon you power like no other.

Mineta: yes let me join you what must I do?

Katsuki: just follow me.

As Katsuki had Mineta follow him to the lair Shigaraki was pleased and contacted the one he calls sensei.

Tomura: Sensei young bakugou has brought someone that is promising shall you transport them to your presence.

As a black portal appeared before Mineta and Katsuki they stepped through only to come face to face with the man Shigaraki calls sensei

All for one: Hello young apprentices glad you could stop bye now Katsuki you've done well I will grant you another quirk

As All for one placed his had on top of katsuki's head he felt a surge of power .

Katsuki: what kind of destructive power did you give me?

Allforone: I gave you Dimensional warp it lets you cross over different dimensions and you will use this to conquer other Dimensions and recruit yourself in those dimensions.

Katsuki: so it's a power that will benefit me later.

Allforone: yes that's correct. Now Mineta I will give you power that will make you strong.

Mineta: I am ready to get revenge on those who denied me my right to be a hero.

As All For One placed his hand on mineta's head he began to feel power like no other and when his turn was done All for one had shown them to an empty room.

All For One: Mineta try using your quirk.

As Mineta did use his quirk he noticed his pop off quirk had a faint red glow and threw it and like always it stuck to whatever it was thrown at.

All for one: now snap your fingers

As Mineta did as he was told an explosion appeared from his pop off quirk.

All For One: this quirk is called grenade your pop off ability will still exists but at the same of your fingers it will explode.

Mineta: thank you sensei with this power I will make them pay through suffering.

(Sorry for the delay on this chapter things at work have gotten really busy)

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