The Thyme Travelers

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Chapter Ten: What the Heck?

I was dragged through the forest blindfolded, tied, and helpless until we stopped. I can't describe where we were because really, I had no clue... however I did manage to memorize how many right and left turns we had made and when. Just in case I could ever escape. They threw me down on the ground, sticks poking into my knees; wet leaves clinging to my skin. One of the guys walked over, jingled some keys, and I heard a door creak open. The guy who had me tied roughly picked me up, undid the blindfold, and threw me into the room. I skid across the clean white tiled floor until I hit the back wall. That's when I sat up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a clean, white room without any windows and it smelled extremely clean in here. It reminded me sort of like a hospital, only without the medical equipment. There were two chairs in the room, a counter on the left, and more ropes. I quickly stood up. The ropes on my wrist were really tight and they scraped my skin, so I looked around for something sharp. Hey, this is Jackson Loom we're talking about with a couple of his thug friends. I doubt they have brains between their ears. I checked the counter. The counter had no cabinets, but I didn't need to look far; on the counter was a Swiss Army Knife. I smiled to myself. I turned around and felt for the knife until I got it. Suddenly, I could hear footsteps outside the door, and they were speaking very roughly. I panicked and ran back to the spot I was thrown, sat down, slid the knife in my pocket, and looked helpless. And as the quiet kid who can tell good lies, that wasn't hard. The door swung open and someone else was thrown in the room. He slid all the way over to where I was sitting and then he sat up too. I did a double take and saw that it was Zach!

"Oh my god," I whispered. He looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Hey." I could tell his hands were tied too-metaphorically and literally.

"Hey! Shut up!" yelled one of Loom's cronies. "Jackson's gonna be back in a few minutes. When he comes, I suggest you listen." Listen to what? Why? Why on earth would I listen to that loser? Then the guy slammed the door shut and Zach and I were left tied in the room, no escape plan. I looked at Zach. Silence.

"You're jeans are dark blue," was all I could say I was so stunned.

"Yes. Yes they are. Why didn't you call the police?" he asked. I stared at my feet.

"I'm a skeptic. Sorry. How did you text me?" Zach gave me a sly smile.

"I've got mad skills of texting behind my back. Plus I used that Swiss Army Knife I left for you on the counter to untie myself.... Until I got caught again." Okay.

"Right now is not the best time to try to get away. Jackson's cronies are out there and I'm not gonna risk tighter ropes around my wrist," I said. "So when do we leave?" Zach thought.

"Well, we should probably wait for Jackson to come. He's probably got something interesting to say. Plus, if you think about it, we have the upper hand. We LOOK powerless, but we're geniuses, and you have a knife." My jaw dropped.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. WE are geniuses? You might be but I'm"-

"A genius too," he cut me off. "I know so. You are not average. You are above average. Way above average. I know all about your charade. Believe me, I do the same thing." He smiled at me and I turned extremely red. Awww! I thought I was pretty good at the average act, but I guess not. Darn.

"Fine. I'm a genius. But that doesn't leave this room, okay? You tell anyone and you will be in big trouble. Got it?" I said sternly.

"Whatever," he said simply.

"So how exactly are we going to get out of"- But I was interrupted when the door squeaked open and in came Jackson, a smile of triumph on his face. He slammed the door behind him and he walked over to us, arms crossed as he gazed down at Zach and me.

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