The Thyme Travelers

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Chapter Eleven: Another Episode at the Hospital

After I got back home it was late. Aunt Alice (who, if you haven't figured it out, is taking care of me while my parents stay with Eliza) was already asleep. I tried watching TV to get my mind off the whole capture and escape ordeal, but it didn't work. I was wide-awake and didn't even bother to try to sleep. Suddenly, I felt a buzzing sound next to my leg and I jumped. I got a text. Who would be texting at four in the morning? Wait. Four in the morning? I must really be awake to stay up this late.

"U still awake?" It was Zach.

"Yup. Couldn't sleep," I texted back.

"Neither could I."

"I've just been thinking bout da time machine. And then I think bout Eliza. She's been on ma mind a lot."

"Do u wanna go to the hospital to see her?" he texted. "We can bike. It's not that far." Which was true, biking to the hospital wasn't hard.

"Sure. Meet u there?" I asked.

"Yup. Don't think u should go to the hospital at 4 alone, specially with CIA on our tails." I grinned. I put my phone in my back pocket and went to the kitchen to scrawl a note for Aunt Alice.

Gone to hospital. Be back by 8.

That would be four hours to be with Eliza. I grabbed a jacket; especially since fall mornings are really cold here. I went to the garage, grabbed my helmet (safety first) and hopped on my bike, and left for the hospital.

Like I said, I knew my way around pretty well, so I ended up at the hospital in about 15 minutes. Zach had joined me about five minutes into the ride so I wasn't alone and we had safety in numbers. It was still pretty dark out when we reached the hospital, but we could see with the lights that came from inside. We parked our bikes on a rusty bike rack that I could tell used to be yellow, but the rain didn't agree with it. I looked at Zach and he gave me his reassuring half smile. Without knowing it, I grabbed his wrist with nerves but then let go, turning red.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

And we entered the hospital. We walked over to the main desk in the lobby and the lady behind it greeted us warmly.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the lady asked.

"Hi, um, my sister Eliza Thyme had been in a car crash and she's in a coma now. We'd like to see her, if that's okay," I said.

"Yes, that would be fine. You're Cassandra, her sister, right? You called for help." Oh great. More publicity. "Your parents stepped out just now and they're gonna be back in a few hours. I think they needed to get some fresh air."

"Okay, thank you. Pardon, but I have to go see how my sister is doing." And I departed quickly with Zach behind me. I remember the room that we had stayed in. It had been on the fourth floor and I rang for the elevator. When we stepped in and the door closed, Zach turned to me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea for you?" he asked me.

"You suggested it. And yes, I'll be fine."

"But...what if...she's"-

"I don't care!" I yelled. "I'm going to see her anyways! I have to! I'm her sister!" A tear ran down my cheek and Zach wiped it away even though I had just blown up at him. "I'm...I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay."

Then the elevator stopped and we arrived at the fourth floor. Slowly, we walked over to the hospital room and opened the door with a creak. We hesitantly walked in and I immediately saw Eliza, still in her coma. I rushed to her side with Zach, and I clutched his hand. And he lost circulation. No, not really, but I think he almost did. If it was possible, Eliza looked much worse. She was so pale, she had stitches in her head, and the beeping of the heart monitor rang in my ears. The beeping became slower and slower but thank God, it didn't stop.

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