They get to the party and SHINee is there. They come up to Bella Reign and the boys.
"Hey guys. I haven't seen you in awhile." Taemin says fist pumping Wonho.
"We just came back from tour." Minhyuke says moving closer to Bella.
"Who are they?" Junghyun asks and Bella looks at him not taking her eyes off of him.
"This is Jessica and this..." Minhyuke seeing her staring at Jonghyun and gets angry. "This is Bella." He says putting his fists in his pocket. Junghyun smiles.
Minhyuke gets Bellas attention.
"Huh what. Oh my god i'm sorry thought. I didn't mean to zone out." Shes says panicked.
"Oh don't worry about it." He says smirking and giving her a wink. Bella blushes.
'He looks better in real life.His skin is so perfect. The way he dresses is perfect. He's perfect in general. He's so sweet. I love his smile. I have always wanted to meet him and now I did.' She thinks to herself.
"Well we are going to go sit down." I.M says gesturing to a seat. SHINee and everyone else follows.
"So what have you guys been up to since you got back" Key says looking at MONSTA X.
"Mainly spent time with them." Wonho says looking at the girls.
Can't stop the feeling comes on and the girls run up to dance.
"So any of you like either of them?" Onew asks. Minhyuk and Kihyun move in there seats.
"Um no." They say and the others laugh.
"You just gave it up" Key yells and points at them. "Who do you like?" He asks
"I like Bella." Minhyuk says blushing
"I like Jessica." Kihyun says looking away.
"Awe love birds." Taemin says
The girls walk back to the table drunk and Minhyuk and Kihyun leave to go get a drinks. Bella phone rings and it's Tae.
"Hello!" Bella says kinda yelling over the music.
"Baby come here." Some lady says to Tae on the other end.
"Not right now babe, one more drink." She hears Taehyung answer back and her happiness goes away. She pulls the phone away from her face slowly and hangs up. When she turns around to Jessica and out of the corner of her eye she can see Junghyun stand up.
"Bella why are you crying!?!?!" Jessica asks. Bella turns back around and sees Minhyuk. She walks away without telling anyone anything and grabs Minhyuk which is also drunk. She pulls him in and kisses him hard as she starts to cry. Jessica stands in total shock but snaps out of it to pull Bella aside.
"B-Bella come here." She says pulling her away from a shocked but blushing Minhyuk. once they get away Jessica stops. "Bella what happened with you and Tae?"
"H-hes cheating on me. I guess he accidentally called and..." She starts to cry and Bella hugs her.
"I'll take care of it." Jessica says and Minhyuk walks up.
"I"ll go talk to her." He says pulling her away. He could tell Jessica was pissed.
When Jessica walked over to the table Junghyun is still standing.
"What happened??" Everyone asked at the same time and she starts to dial a number.
"Tae is cheating on Bella." She says in a pissed off tone and puts the phone up to her ear. Everyone is in complete shock and don't know what to say.
Jonghyun walks outside to get fresh air. When he turns the corner he sees Bella crying and walks up to her.
"I heard what happened and I'm sorry." He say looking at her but she turns away.
"I-it's fine." She says stuttering and trying to stop the tears.
"No it's not. He hurt you." Jonghyun said to Bella making Bella look at him.
"After everything. Every promise. What he told me the other night before I said I trusted him and stuff happened. He lied Junghyun. He's just like the others." She starts to cry even more and Jonghyun grabs her and let's her cry on his shoulder. He holds her tight and doesn't let go.
In the club
Jessica calls Tae for the 12th time and he picks up.
"Now you finally decide to fucking answer?" She says in a are you serious tone. "Did you have fun cheating on Bella?" She asks in a bitchy way. There's no answer. "Taehyung she knows." She says in a light but pissed off tone.
"How?!?!" He asks and she can tell he's been crying.
"You called her by accident."
"She's going to leave me. I wont ever get her back!!" He says balling his eyes out through the phone.
"After what you guys did and how you promised not to do the things her exes did. Fuck off." She says before hanging up the phone.
Back outside
Bella's phone rings and it's Tae's number again. She turns away from Junghyun and answers the call.
"Bella I am so sorry. I-" Bella cut him off.
"We are over"She says with no emotions and hangs up. She goes right back to Junghyun and holds him tight.
"Thank you." She whispers in a weak voice from crying.
"You don't have to thank me." He says back but pulls Bella away from him to wipe her tears.
She see's everyone else walk out the doors and they jump away from each other.
"You guys go on. Imma talk to Bella. We will take a cab or something." Minhyuk says.
"Okay well. We all of us will be going back to apartment. We will see you there." Jessica says and waves by as they all walk away.
"Im guessing Taehyung called you?"Minhyuk asks Bella.
"Yeah..." She looks up and blinks repeatedly trying not to cry again. "I told him that we were over and hung up." Minhyuks eyes widened.
"You did what?' He asks shocked.
"He cheated after everything he knows, said and promised. I cant stay and let him think ill let him do it again. She says and the shocked look on his face goes away.
"Yeah I get it. If you stay there's a big chance he will think he can do it again. Im sorry Bella." He says hugging her.
"I don't wanna go back home yet." She says getting out of the hug and looking at the entrance. "Can we go back in?" She looks at him.
"Yes lets go" He pulled out his phone to let the others know and they all agreed she needed a distraction.
~Time Skip~
After staying for a couple hours and drinking a lot they walked out.
"Hey Minhyuk..." Bella says in a cute way.
"Yesss" He says back.
"I still don't want to go to the apartment. C-can we please go back to yours?" She asks kinda slurring.
"Of course we can." They get in the cab and it takes them to his place.
(A/N- Sorry this chapter is so long Things start going down hill fro Bella)
<3 In loving memory of Junghyun <3

I'm Falling For You
RomansaBella meets BTS while walking on a train track. She starts to hang out with them and starts falling for Taehyung while Jin is falling for her. Until one day something happens to her that changes everything.