Chapter 25

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The next morning the girls sleep in and the guys make the breakfast.

"Taehyung that doesn't go in that pan!"
"Stop being a little kid Taehyung!"

"Jeon Jungkook get out of the kitchen!" Jin looks at Namjoon. Feeling a death gaze Namjoon looks up. "Get the fucking children." Jin says almost blowing up. Namjoon walks into the kitchen and both of the boys run for it. Tae runs into Bella's and his room.

"Babe it's time to get up. Today your going to have a surprise." He shakes her awake.

"Five more minutes." She groans and rolls over.

"It has to deal with Yoongi." He whispers and her head pops up.

"What? What does Yoongi have to do with anything?" She questions and he smiles.

"You'll see. Now i'll go start your bathwater and then once you get out i'll have someone here to give you a massage and to treat you like princess." He kisses her forehead and goes to the bathroom. As he walks out he tells her that he is going to talk to Yoongi.

"Yoongi we need to talk." He walks into Yoongi's room and shuts the door.

"What's up?" He says looking at his phone and eating not really paying attention.

"I'm giving you permission to fuck Bella." Yoongi drops his phone and almost chocks on his food.

"W-What d-Did you just say?" He asks shocked.

"I see the way you look at her and at points she looks at you the same way. It all started after I did what I did so to "Apologize" as you could say, you can fuck her." Tae says being completely serious.

"What do you mean the way I look at her?" Yoongi says looking at him directly.

"With lust. At points friend type of way but mostly lust. Yoongi it's okay. I know it's nothing more and I know it's nothing more with her so you can do it. I just have to make sure it's okay with her first." Tae says while walking to the door. Yoongi doesn't speak.

"You didn't die in there?" Hobi asks Tae while looking at Yoongi's door.

"Nope just needed to talk to him." He walks into the bedroom and sees Bella getting a massage. "Bella I need to talk to you." Tae says and the person leaves." You did get a good back massage right before I came in?" He asks worried about messing it up.

"Yes Tae I did. Thank you. Now what is it?" She asks getting up and getting dressed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"Well the thing with Yoongi is I'm giving you guys permission to fuck. He always has the look of lust in his eyes at you and at points you do to. You didn't start until after I did what I did. So as an apology you guys can fuck." He says looking at her.

"Tae are you sure you want this and your not going to be pissed?" She says tilting her head.

"No I won't be pissed. I won't bring it up in any fights or anything like that." Tae says and sits next to her on the bed.

"Well okay." She smiles and kisses Tae. Tae deepens the kiss and climbs over her.

In the kitchen

"Wake up sweetie." Jin says softly and Jessica hits him with a pillow."Hey I was being nice." He says smiling.

"Just a little bit longer." She turns over and tries to go back to sleep.

"No babe it's almost 11. You have to get up." She get's up and lays her head in Jin's lap.

"I'm tired tho" He moves a peace of hair out of the way and moves his fingers through her hair.

"I made food." She get's up and goes to the kitchen.

"Where's the food?" She looks at the table and sits down.

"Can someone go and get Tae and Bella." Jin asks and no one moves. "What's wrong?"

"Um well they are asleep again."Jimin says looking at Jin. Jin walks to there room and opens the door and goes into the room.

"Bella time to eat." He whispers to Bella and she get's up. He walks over to Taehyung and get's by his ear."GET UP TAEHYUNG!" He yells and Tae jumps up scared. Bella laughs and walks out to eat.

"You scared me." Tae says pouting and following Bella. After they eat Tae pushes Yoongi into the room with Bella.

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