MONSTA X was over and they were spending the night since everyone was going to be drinking. Bella and Minhyuk were always by each other and with in a few drinks Bella falls and lands sitting in his lap. She has a flash back of when her and Tae were first in a room together drinking. She jumps up and runs her hand through her hair and moves back."You okay Bella?" Minhyuk asks.
"Um yeah. I think so." She says and takes another shot. They turn on music and the girls start dancing. Later that night everyone was going to bed. Once Minhyuk new everyone was asleep he went to Bella's door. They drank a lot of water and they were a little bit sober.
"Hey can I come in?" He says peeking into her room.
"Um ya , what's up Minhyuk." She says looking at him and smiling.
"Nothing just can't sleep. Also wanted to talk to you about something." He says sitting next to her but his feet off the bed.
"What would that be?" She says looking at him.
"You kissed me the night before everything happened and technically i didn't get to kiss you back since Jessica grabbed you." He leans in and kisses her. She kisses back and he goes closer to her. She unbuttons his night shirt and he lays her back while still kissing her. He kisses her neck and back up to her lips.
"I-I can't do this again." She says moving so he can't do anything. "I'm sorry." She says looking the other way blinking trying to stop the tears. He grabs her chin and makes her look at him.
"It's okay. I understand. Maybe it should just stay a one time thing. Something we both needed." She shakes her head yes agreeing. He says then get's off of her. When he is walking to the door he looks back and she sitting up. He can tell that she's about to cry.
"Bella" He says and she doesn't move. She's zoned out looking at the end of her bed. "Bella..." He says again and walks over to her and hug her. "Scoot over. I'ma cuddle with you." He says and she does it without talking. He cuddles up behind her and pulls her closer. "I'm sorry for everything that you have been going through." He whispers and they both fall asleep.
The next morning Minhyuk walks out of the bedroom with his shirt unbutton and Bella's smell on him.
"OOOOOOOO Minhyuk!" They all yell and Tae looks up slowly and sees Minhyuk by Bella's door and with his shirt unbutton half way. He gives him a dirty look (Like in the GIF above).
"It's not what you think." Minhyuk says and sits down.
They turn on Hold Me Tight and Tae's head goes back down. He goes back to his room. A few minutes later everyone goes out and leaves Bella and Tae behind because they haven't came out of there room. Tae goes to Bella's room and shes looking out the window.
"Bella..." He says and Bella spins around then walks towards him. "What was Minhyuk doing in your bedroom and why was his shirt off?" He asks pissed.
"Taehyung it's none of your business" She says looking him in the eyes. Taehyung bites his lower lip and turns his head.
"Really? It's none of my business?" He says taking a step closer and Bella takes a step back. "I'm in there stressing about how i'm going to get you back and your flirting with Jonghyun and fucking Minhyuk!" He yells taking a few steps closer. Bella takes a few steps back to keep the distance.
"Taehyung you fucking cheated on me! You broke everything that you ever promised. I told you we wer through so it wouldn't matter if I did last night. You really wanna know what happen last night?!" She yells back and he gets up to wear the noses are touching.
"Yes." He says in a cold voice.
"I kissed Minhyuk the night I found out you were cheating. Then after you called me and I said we were through everyone else left and it was just me and him. We got drunk and I couldn't go back home because of the memories and so we went to his place and fucked and came back here. He came in here last night and said 'You kissed me the night before everything happened and technically i didn't get to kiss you back since Jessica grabbed you.' then he kissed me. Things got heated and I stopped them. I thought about that one night before you left." Tears form in her eyes as she thinks about it. " Then I told him to stop. I zoned out and didn't talk or move and just stared at the bottom of my bed remembering all the good times and the bad times we had but you cheated. Taehyung I still love you!" By this time she lets a few tears escape but holds the others back.
"You fucked him" Tae said glaring at her.
"I-" she was cut off by Tae pushing her against the wall kissing her. Wrapping his hand around her head and tangling his hand around her hair he pulls her head back to give him access to her neck. Leaving bite marks and sucking on her skin hitting a sensitive spot.
"Your mine. No else can touch you" He growls in her ear and she pushes him away.
"You should have thought of that before you let someone else touch you when we were still together." She said rolling her eyes and looking away from him.

I'm Falling For You
RomanceBella meets BTS while walking on a train track. She starts to hang out with them and starts falling for Taehyung while Jin is falling for her. Until one day something happens to her that changes everything.