Love me

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The guys think I have no interest in y/n as my lover, well their wrong. I'm only watching her from afar but I am starting to like her. All of the guys are being all flirty and lovey dovey , but I'm stepping back I will talk to her eventually but I'm sure she doesn't like me at all.

"Hey hyung y/n is here come say hi" I heard taehyungs voice outside my bedroom door , " Yeah coming " I got out of the comfort of my bed and headed to the door , today was just another day were I think about how I'm never going to get a chance with y/n or at least with the competition around. I headed downstairs and see everybody speaking to y/n they were watching tv and talking.

"Oh hi yoongi do you wanna watch tv with us ?" I couldn't believe what I just heard y/n actually spoke to me for the first time,"yeah I do what are you guys watching?" I seen everybody looking shocked how I reacted to y/n 's question."oh we're watching an American movie called 'The Hulk'" I sat on the couch beside jimin and of course he was beside y/n , the movie played as subtitles popped up y/n was focused on the movie and I was focused on her.

She was absolutely beautiful in my eyes and all the people in this room. "Hey why are you being so nice to y/n?" I heard jungkook whisper to me,"because I can ,now leave me alone " I whispered back but way more harshly .

After the movie was over we had to say goodbye to y/n , and this was my chance to be her friend I know it's not an love confession but at least we'll be close only if she let's me."hey y/n can I talk to you in private?" At that moment everyone was giving me death glares I mean even Jin. "Yeah you can walk me out " y/n said we walked to the door and stopped,"what did you wanna talk about?" I sighed before I spoke "y/n do you hate me ?" I looked down at the floor I already knew her answer it was gonna be a yes " of course not! We just met I would never hate you please don't think that" I looked up and smiled.

" Thank you I was hoping we could be friends " she nodded and smiled," yes of course yoongi I would love to be your friend " we were now  both smiling  and looking at each other. " Well goodbye yoongi see you soon " she opened the door and walked out the door " goodbye y/n" and with one last wave she was gone. "Finally I'm going to win y/n heart"

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