The Move

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   Rose's POV
My brother and I were moving from France to America. We wanted freedom, my brother looked for homes months ago when he came home he told me to pack my bags we were moving to New York. "Rose, you ready" "Yea I'm coming Laf" I called back, I took one last look at my small room and signed walking downstairs. Laf looked at me and smiled "You'll love America Rose it's beautiful, and we'll be free, just remember that". I smiled back at him and followed him out to the car.
       Time skip

Laf smiled at me as he shook me awake "Rose we're at the airport" I yawned and got my bags out of the back and walked into the airport. We looked for our gate for what felt like hours. When we finally found it we were the last ones to get on. Laf made sure he was next to me. I have really bad anxiety and on top of that I've never been on a plane before. It wasn't long before I felt my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep. I felt someone rubbing my back and I shot up to find it was only Laf. I took a deep breath and slapped him playfully "Don't scare me like that" I said glaring at him "I'm sorry, but look we're here". My face lit up as I looked out the window, America was beautiful. We got off the plane and made our way to baggage claim. "By the way one of the guys I met while I was house hunting is picking us up" Laf smiled "I think you'll like him" I blushed, the last guy I ever liked of Laf's friends was back in France and was older than me, I was 12 and he was 18 I'm now 18 making him 24 Laf was 21. We got our bags and Laf's friend called out his name we both looked and my heart started pounding and I felt my face get hot. He was a tall slender freckled man with curly hair. "Laf, it's great to see you again" the man hugged him, I stood quite rubbing my arm. "Rose this is John, John Laurens" " Nice to meet you sir" I said smiling. John laughed "No need to call me sir I'm only 19" he smirked. I felt my face get hotter he's only a year older than me. John and Laf both watched me Laf's cough brought me back to reality "What" I said John smiled "Would you like some help with your bags Rose" I blushed. "No thank you John". 

    Lafayette's POV

I watched Rose as she studied John as though she's never seen a man before. I could tell she had a crush on him, she was never good at hiding her feelings, I just smiled and walked up to John. "So John you're going to Kings Collage right" I look over to see Rose glaring at me. "Yea why" "Rose is going to I want you to look out for her make sure no one hurts her" "Laf I promise I'll be fine" Rose snapped  as she was putting her bags in John's car. "I'll watch her" John smiled I looked over at Rose and smirked. I could see her getting red "you know you like him" I whispered.

   Rose's POV
Laf always picked on me when I was crushing on someone. "S'il te  plait, ne said pas ça pour moi" I begged "Bien, mais je said encore vous attaquer" he smirked. John gave us a blank look as we continued our conversation. I looked over at him "Excusez-moi  John I don't mean to be rude monsieur" John smiled at me and I felt my heart beat faster. "We should get going" John said Laf and I nodded and got in the car.

  John's POV
I got in the car after making sure Rose had all of her things in the back I could help but smile when I looked back to see her sleeping "You like her aye mon amie" Laf smiled I began to get red and stutter he just laughed "Get to know her she's shy at first but she'll come around"

   Time skip

We pull up to my house and I look at Laf "Does Rose know you guys are staying with me tonight" "No but she'll be okay, amour wake up" I didn't understand what amour ment but Rose barely opened her eyes and grunted falling back asleep. "I'll bring her Laf you get your bags" he smiled and went to the back grabbing her bags first. I picked her up bringing her into my house and placing her on the couch I covered her up and walked out to help Laf. I grabbed one of his bags and closed the door. We put there things in the closet in the living room. I went to bed, I stared at the wall for an hour before falling asleep.

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