The Drive

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Rose's POV
I wake up early and see Laf holding my hand, guess I forgot to take my pills yesterday. I pull out my medicine and take it, change and make sure I have everything packed for the year. I thought about John and I wondered when we'd be leaving. Laf then woke up "Oh you're already up" he hugged me and told me to be ready by 8:30 I just nodded. He walked out of my room and I closed the door and got on my knees and began to pray, last time I prayed was with mom the day before dad left for the war. I finished my prayer and walked out of my room to find Laf and John sitting on the couch "I told you to be ready by 8:30" Laf smiled "Its only" I looked at the clock "....8:27...." I rubbed my arm. I got my things gagged Laf one last time and got in the car with John who seemed way to tired to be driving. "John.....would you like me to drive" he just smiled and shook his head "I'm okay Rose thank you" I put my things in the back and waved to Laf.

John's POV
Rose out her things in the back and got in with me as we drove off she began to put her headphones in before she could I touched her arm "Do you wanna listen to the radio or you could plug your phone in and we could listen to your music" she nodded and plugged her phone in the first song to play was one I've never heard "What is this" "Freedom" she said looking out the window we were about 30secs in when I heard he singing. "You have a beautiful voice" I watched her cheeks turn pink "Thank you" she was almost whispering. I could tell this was going to be a long drive unless I could get her to talk. "So where are your parents, I mean you're both old enough to live on your own bu-" "My father died in the war, mom killed herself after getting the letter". Everything went silent until "I came home to find mom in Laf's arms he was crying said he had found her hanging in the bathroom with the letter and a suicide note on the sink" "Rose I-" "It's okay John these things happen". After a very quiet ride we arrived at Kings College, "Want some help with your things" I ask, she finally looked at me, I never noticed how beautiful her brown eyes were until this moment. Her hair was perfect long dyed red hair up in a bun, she was beautiful. "John, why are you staring at me" I finally came back to reality and rubbed the back of my neck "Oh sorry, did you want any help" "No thank you" she smiled, even her smile took my breath away I watched as she walked up to the table they had out, she looked back at me then at them again and nodded.

Rose's POV
I walked back to John, "Guess you're stuck with me till May" I said. He smirked and got his things out of the back and walked with me to our room. Why was he staring at me? Did I do something wrong? I started mumbling and almost walked past our room "Rose, this is our room" I gave a nervous laugh "Oh right". We walked in and picked our beds. I was on the far right away from the door John stayed by the door. I watched him make his bed, it was cute how he hummed as he did so. I went out to the couch and going myself onto it staring at the ceiling next thing I knew I heard a knock "Come in" I called some guy with almost an afro walked in and as soon as John heard his voice he shot out of his room and glared at this guy. "What do you want" John snapped "I just came to meet the pretty girl" this guy winked at me now I was uncomfortable John looked back at me then this guy "Leave Thomas" the two argued for what felt like hours. I don't need this right now John! "Thomas just go the fuck" I yelled then looked at John who seemed shocked, I mean I don't blame him he's never seen me like this. Thomas glared at me and left. This is going to be one help of a year.

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