-Chapter 21

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As I wheeled myself back into my hospital room, I yawned.

Today had been a long (and stressful!) day. Anthony basically lifts me back into bed.

“You did so well today babe.” He says, smiling. Did he just call me babe?

I think I did alright too, since talking in front of a crowd is not one of my ‘strengths’. Anthony has always been my voice. He’s talked for me plenty of times, like at award ceremonies and stuff. But he couldn’t today. He sat at the back of the court-room helplessly, watching me. I’ve learnt a lot from him over the years, really.

My father didn’t look too remorseful today. For most of the hearing, he sat there with the biggest smirk on his face. Disgusting.

He was sentenced to a minimum of 18 years jail for attempted murder. JUSTICE!

Growing up, I always wanted a dad to call my own, someone who’d play catch with me, y’know. Mom never remarried, but dated around. All of them were sleazy, and I ended up despising every single one of them in the end.

“Thanks for everything Anthony.” I say, getting comfortable. “You’ve really helped the last few weeks.”

“No need to thank me.” He says, doing that half-smirk, half smile all the girls used to go crazy about. “I want to help you. I’ve really missed you, y’know!”

“I’ve missed you too, believe me.” I say.

Anthony then decides to squeeze into my bed. “I’m sleeping here tonight, hope you don’t mind.”

I’m used to having the bed all to myself, but sharing it with Anthony is a pleasant surprise. “You sure the nurses won’t mind?” I say, trying to make myself comfortable.

“Who gives a fuck about them, honestly?” Anthony whispers, as he giggles mischievously. I nestle my head onto his shoulder, and Anthony rests his head on top of mine.

I’m just about to fall asleep as Anthony nudges me. “Psst, Ian! IANNNNN!” he whispers. “I forgot to tell you something.”

“What is it?” I say, trying to make it obvious that I’m annoyed.

“Sorry. The doctor told me to tell you you’re having surgery tomorrow. He said not to eat anything, but you haven’t anyway.”

“Not what I was hoping, but just as good.” I say.


“What?” I say.

“I lovvveeeeee youuuuuuu.”

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