Le chapitre sept | Donny

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~ Chapter Seven ~

For some reason, I haven't been able to forget Cally's words all week. Even when I went on my date with Daniella, my mind was a thousand miles away. Was my naive little sister possibly right? Could I really figt for Anna? If I did, could I possibly win? I mean, I don't even know if Cally was right about her maybe liking me- I doubt it. Davey was ranting to me about how pissed he is that Anna is actually going through with the thing with Chandler. Of course it just made me sick to my stomach.

But say she doesn't? Say I maybe- stop her? Then what. She'll either accept me or reject me. Though, I'm not entirely sure how I would take rejection- which is the main thing holding me back. What if she says no? Then I guess I would really know what heartbreak feels like I guess. But I'm pretty sure it's worth the risk.

Now I guess it's just a matter of how to do this exactly. It's not like I've ever done this before, I mean, it's not everyday a guy tries to steal a girl from another guy. Or more like, win her over. Gah, that makes her sounds like an object- not the point.

Well, prom is tomorrow night. She's supposed to be going with Chandler, my little bro got his own date, and seniors are allowed to go if their date is a junior. Hm, there we go. I'll just have to find a random, dateless, junior girl the night before junior prom. That's...gonna be diffucult. No one comes to mind, so I decide I've got to get help with this. Exiting the living room I go in search of Dave. Soon enough I find him in his room, working on some homework or something at his desk.

Trying to remain I casual, I jump onto his bed and pretend to be tired. Putting up my normal badass facade, I smirk at him as he turns slowly to see who's invaded his room. When he see's it's me he just rolls his eyes and pretends I'm not there, going back to his work.

"Hey, Davey, quick question," I start without a care. He sighs heavilly and turns back to look at me with an aggravated expression.

"What is it, Donny, I've really got to work on this," his tone is bland and monotonous- ooh, he's pissed. Oh well, he'll get over it.

"Just wondering if you know any female junior girls in need of a date to prom tomorrow night?"

He gives me a blank look and instantly questions my motives. Tsk, tsk. Brother doesn't trust me?

"Why?" His eyes are speculative of me, almost doubtful.

"Just need something to do tomorrow, so you know anyone?" I lie smoothly and get back to the subject at hand. Hope he can at least help me out with this.

"Uh, yeah, my one friend, Susie, her date bailed on her. But, you have to promise you won't mess with her. She basically just needs an escort, you don't have to play with her emotions and whatever," I roll my eyes, but am secretly happy with this answer. Perfect, I don't need any strings attached.

"That's fine, I just need an entrance pass," I agree.

He shrugs and nods, then turns back to his desk. Quickly he jots something down on a sticky note, turns back to me and tosses it to me in a crumpled ball. I catch it then uncrumple it to read a phone number. Smirking I nod at the dude, thanking him with my eyes, then make my exit quickly.

Heading down to my room I absently wonder if Anna has already had her night with Chandler. I mean, that may effect how tomorrow night turns out afterall. If she has then I guess it really depends on his reaction. Either he took it as a one night stand and is planning to ditch her ASAP, or maybe he really fell for her- which since it's Anna, I don't find it too hard to believe.

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