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Ori sprinted down the halls. The view was beautiful, until her fathers ship showed up out of nowhere.

Her heart pounded. Sweat trickled down her face as she reached the main part of the ship.

Ori ran past Loki and Thor. She grabbed a spherical device from her waist band and threw it near the large window. A purple force field spread across the window. Ori drew her long blades out and prepared for the worse.

"EVERYONE GET BACK!" Ori shouted as Thanos's ship neared. The Asgardians followed her orders.

Blue balls of light flew towards their ship. The blasts did damage above them, but the window started to crack.

"Ori." Loki warned.

"I can handle this!" Ori shot back.

More blue balls of light flew towards the window. One by one, they each struck the glass.

"Ori!" Thor yelled.

Ori's grip on her blades tightened as the last ball of light struck the window. The blast caused glass to fly everywhere. Ori was thrown away from the window and towards a wall.

There was nothing but silence.


"Be grateful...." a voice echoed in Ori's head.

Ori groaned as her eyes slowly opened. All around her, the people of Asgard lay. Dead.

"No." Ori coughed as she crawled her way towards a familiar little girl. Ray.

Her golden blonde hair was sprawled all around her lifeless body. Her once bright blue eyes now looked like a cloudy blue. Cuts and gashes marked the girls body.

"No." Ori picked up Ray's body and cradled it. "No. No. Ray!" Ori began to sob. Her body rocked back and forth. "I'm so sorry." Ori whispered as she kissed Ray's forehead.

Someone came behind Ori and grabbed her by the hair. Ori cried out in pain and clawed at the person dragging her. They pulled her away from Ray and towards her father. Thanos.

"Hello, little one." Thanos smiled at his daughter.

Ori's eyes were glassy. Her hands clutched her hair. The pain crawled across Ori's scalp every time Cull Obsidian moved behind her.

Cull let Ori go. She crumbled onto her knees in front of her father.

Thanos kneeled down to his daughters level. His pointer finger lifted Ori's chin so she could look at him.

"Why cry for these Asgardians?" Thanos asked. "They've done nothing for you."

Ori did not answer.

Thanos chuckled. He stood up and walked over towards Thor.


"Silence." Thanos grabbed Thor by the head and dragged him over towards Loki. The two exchanged words until Loki said,

"Kill away."

Thanos pressed the infinity stone into Thors head. The Asgardian cried out in pain.

"STOP!" Ori shouted. "You're hurting him!"

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