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"Alright, we're here." Peter moved the ship towards Knowhere. "It seems a little, quiet." Peter said as he pulled the ship towards a landing zone. It was somewhat dark and foggy. It was also quiet. Too quiet.

Peter parked his ship and opened the door. Everyone began to step out. Once everyone was out, they all quickly hid behind a few barrels. Thanos was already there.

"Where's the stone?" Thanos asked the Collector.

"I-I-I can't..." the Collector stuttered.

"Don't play with me you fool. I know you still have it. I know you have the Reality stone." Thanos picked the Collector up by the collar and threw him against a cell. "Give it to me and I will spare you a great deal of suffering."

"I told you, I sold it."

Thanos chuckled.

"Why would I lie?" The Collector asked.

"I imagine it's like breathing for you. Like suicide."

"So you do understand." The Collector looked at Thanos.

"Not even you would surrender something so precious." Thanos walked closer towards the Collector.

"I-I didn't know what it was." The Collector shook.

"Then your more of a fool than I took you for." Thanos sighed. "Last chance Charlotte, where's the stone?"

"Today," Drax took out his knives. "He pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter.

"Drax Wait!" Gamora grabbed Drax.

"Whoa Drax." Peter held his friend back. "He doesn't have the stone yet. We get it, and then we can stop him. We have to get the stone first."

Drax shook his head.

"No. No. For Ovette. For Camaria."

Suddenly, Mantis came and touched Draxs's forehead.

"Sleep." Mantis commanded. Drax fell hard. Thanos knew they were there.

"Okay," Peter started. "Gamora, Mantis, you go right. I'm..." Peter sighed as Gamora went to attack her father. "The other right!"

Gamora took out her blades and spun them in her hands. She slit her own fathers throat. Thanos fell to the ground. Gamora was on her knees.

"Why?" Thanos looked at his daughter. "Why you? Daughter...."

Gamora began to sob. Tears spilled down her cheeks.

Peter looked around. He felt a little uneasy about this.

"Well, that was quick." Peter said.

Magnificent! Magnificent!" The Collector clapped his hands.

"Is that sadness I sense in you, daughter?" Thanos's voice echoed.

Gamora stopped crying and looked at her fathers body. It began to fade away. Just like everything else.

"In my heart, I knew you still cared. No one ever knows for sure." Thanos looked at his daughter. "Reality is often disappointing." Thanos then looked at his gauntlet. The Reality stone glowed brightly. "That is, it was." Thanos looked back at Gamora. "Now.... Reality can be whatever I want it to be."

"You knew I'd come." Gamora said.

"I was counting on it." Thanos replied. He walked closer towards his daughter. "There's something we need to discuss, little one."

"THANOS!!!" Drax came from behind the barrels and ran at Thanos. The reality stone glowed again. Drax and Mantis were cut up into cubes. Peter was left to face Thanos alone.

"Let her go, Grimace!"

"Peter—" Gamora's eyes were glassy.

"I told you to go right." Peter looked at Gamora. He looked at Thanos. "Now, you let her go!"

"Ah, the boyfriend." Thanos smiled.

"I like to think of myself more as a Titan-killing long term booty call." Peter took out his gun and pointed it towards Thanos. "Let her go!"

"Peter..." Gamora felt the tears slip down her cheeks.

"Or I'm gonna blow that nut-sack of a chin right off your face!"

"Not him." Gamora said.

Peter looked at Gamora.

"You promised." Gamora felt more tears slide down her cheeks.

"Oh, daughter." Thanos looked down at Gamora. "You expect too much from him." Thanos looked at Peter. "She asked, hasn't she?" There was no response from Peter. "Do it." Thanos pushed Gamora closer towards Peter. "Do it!"

"I told you to go right." Peters voice shook as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"I love you more than anything." Gamora gave a small smile.

"I love you too." Peter replied. He moved his gun towards Gamora. His hand shook. Then, he pulled the trigger. The only thing that came out were bubbles. Then, the gun was turned into bubbles.

Thanos smiled at Peter.

"I like you." Thanos created a portal and took Gamora with him. The two disappeared.

Peter let the tears fall down his face. Drax and Mantis were put back together once Thanos had left.

The one thing Gamora wanted was to be killed so she couldn't be taken by her father. How was that possible when someone could change reality?

Peter sighed. More tears spilled down his cheeks. He just lost someone he loved.

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