Chapter 2 New Beginings

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   We left off with you dying and somehow Rias shows up. With your last breath you confess your love for her.

   You slowly start to regain consciousness. There is a strange weight on your chest. You slowly open your eyes. You see that you are not in your room. You feel something tickling you nose and you look down. You see bright red hair.

   Rias! You scream in your mind. Oh shit! How did I get here? How am I in bed with the love of my life?!?

  Rias starts to move and then you notice that you are both naked. You freeze up completely. Rias opens here eyes and looks at you.

- "(F/N), you're finally awake!"
- "Umm, Rias, where am I, and why are we in bed together with no clothes on?"
- "Well, (F/N), first of all what do you remember?" You think for a moment before you reply.
- "I remember walking back home. I was walking through the park and saw a girl crying. I went to talk to her amd she threw spears of light at me. Then somehow you appeared. That's all I remember."
- "Did she say anything to you?"
- "Yeah, something about me having something that is too dangerous for her, or something like that."
- "That must be your sacred gear..."
- "Sacred gear? What is that? And, ummm, can we get dressed? This is a little awkward for me."
- "Yes, in fact I'm sure you are hungry too. Why don't you go get showered and come down and have breakfast. We will do ou best to answer all your questions then."
- "What am I going to do for clothes?"
- "All your belongings are here, this is your room. Now go shower."

  You go to the dresser and open a drawer and sure enough your clothes are there. You grab a cleen set of clothes and head to the shower. While you are in the showere Rias gets dressed and heads down to the kitchen. Everyone is already there eating. Akeno had made omelets, and she asks if Rias wants one. "Yes, and would you make one for (F/N) too, he has finally awakened."
"About time." said Issei.
"I'm sure he's going to have alot of questions." said Assia. 
"Yes, he has already had a few for me." said Rias, "I told him to shower and then come down to eat and we would explain everything to him."
"Sounds good to me Rias." said Akeno.

   You finish with your shower and get dressed. You head down to the kitchen and hear conversation going on. Sounds like there's more than Rias and me here. As you round the corner you see Issei, Assia, Xenovia, Koneko, and Rias at the island eating and Akeno cooking. It smells so good. I didn't realize how hungry I am. "Umm, good morning everyone."
"Good morning." everyone said, almost in unison.
"I hope you like omelets, (F/N)." said Akeno. He's kinds cute, president. Rias glares at Akeno and says "(F/N),  come sit here next to me." You take the seat next to Rias and say to Akeno "I love omelets, it smells so good." Akeno blushes and winks at you. Rias gives Akeno the death stare. He's mine, and I'm not sharing! Akeno looks at Rias and frowns, then hands you you plate and a glass of orange juice. You dig in. Mmmm, this is so good! It's literally melting in my mouth! Akeno smiles as you eat.

  "Ok (F/N), I know you have lots of questions. Where do you want to begin?" asks Rias. You think for a second then you ask, "Ok, where is here and how did I get here?" Issei speaks up "This is my house." Rias cuts him off, "I brought you here after you were attacked. There's no easy way to say this but I am a devil and you are my servent." Your fork slips out of your hand and clatters to the plate. "I'm sorry,  but what?" you say as you sweatdrop. "I'm a devil, (F/N). To save your life I made you into one, and now you are my servent." explains Rias. "So I take it that everyone else in the ORC is a devil too." you say. "Yes," says Akeno, "but we're like family." "Are you satisfied with that answer (F/N)?" asks Rias. "Yes." you say, "Ok, my next question is you said something about sacred gear before." Rias answered "Sacred gear is magical equipment that certain people are, for a lack of a better word, blessed with. For example, Issei has Boosted Gear of the Red Dragon Emperor." "And I have Twilight Healing." said Asia. "So what is it that I have?" you ask. "I'm not sure right now. You have to activate it first." said Rias. You look at Rias quizzicaly. "And how do I do that?" Rias looks at Issei and said "Issei will help you, but not now. It will be after we ge back from school. You will not be going. Just rest up and get your bearings today." You look sadly at Rias and said "Yes master. Wait! I just remembered something! That girl, she said she went to my house and she...." "Yes, (F/N). I'm so sorry. She took your family." said Rias with a tear in her eye. "That's why your belongings are here and you live here now. That girl, did she say here name?" You hold back from breaking down "Yes it was Seri." Rias answered "That was no girl, she is a fallen angel." Issei said "Just like Raynare, Rias?" Rias shook her head "Probably took her place in the hierarchy. Ok (F/N), that's enough questions for now. We have to go to school. Remember, you are to relax today. Get settled into your new life. We will be back after school. The club meeting will be here today." "I understand, master." you answer Rias. They all head out with Rias giving you a hug before she leaves. She looks back at you with concern on her face before she shuts the door. "Don't worry president, he'll be ok." Akeno says to Rias as they are walking down the street. "I know, I just can't but worry about him. It's alot for him to take in at once." Akeno nodded and said "And there is a silent strength he has." Rias looks at Akeno, smoldering "Akeno, I'm going to say this once. He is mine, he told me his feelings for me when I teleported to him. Do you understand!?" Akeno looked hurt and answered "Yes, preident." They all continued on to school.

   Back at the house you are washing the dishes thinking about everything you have learned. So I'm a devil and have some kind of sacred gear, whatever that really is. Must be something powerful to want to kill me. Mom, Dad, I'm sorry that you got cought up in this. I miss you both so much, but I will avenge your deaths. I will find this fallen angel, this Seri, and end her. You head to your room and look around, yep all your belonging are there. You decide explore the house some. You find in the basement there is a kind of training room, complete with punching bags, dummies, and weapons. You decide that you might as well do your normal kendo workout. After a few hours of working up a good sweat and nearly exausting youself you sit down in the middle of the mat and meditate. After an hour you go back to your room, grab a fresh set of clothes and shower. Once out of the shower you head back to your room and lay on your bed. Before you know it you drift off to sleep.

  Hey all, sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. I started it and had to go back and revise it a couple of times. Please vote and comment. Let me know what you think.

  So you now know that you are a devil and that your family is dead because of the sacred gear you carry. But what is your sacred gear? And you plan on avenging your parents death. What's your plan and what kind of sacred gear do you think you have? Let me know your thoughts.

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