Chapter 3 Learning your Place

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   Last chapter we learned that we were now a devil and our crush is our master. Some questions were answered, but everyone had to go to school but you. You had a good workout and showered afterwards. You laid down and fell asleep.

   ~~Lunch time at school~~
   Everyone meets up in the ORC during lunch so Rias can get everything organized for the meeting at Isseis' after school. "Kiba," says Issei, "you know (F/N) from kendo, don't you?" "Yeah, we've had a few matches. He's pretty good, even beat me a couple of times." replied Kiba. Xenovias' jaw drops, and everyone looks suprised. "How did he beat you?" asks Xenovia. "Well, I couldn't use my powers," saod Kiba, "that would be unfair." Rias smiles, (F/N) you are full of surprises. Akeno bites her lower lip, If he's that good, just imagine how he will be in bed. The bell rings, lunch is over.

<Time Skip>

  Everyone meets up outside the school to head to Iaseis', except Akeno is missing. "Has anyone seen Akeno?" asks Rias. "Not since lunch." says Koneko. "I have a bad feeling about this." Rias says. "Let's hurry and get to the house."
   Meanwhile you are waking up. You feel pressure on your chest. I didn't get under the covers did I? And I know I didn't get undressed. What's going on?!?  You hear giggling and look over and sees Akeno snuggled up to you, naked. "Akeno! What are you doing?!?" "I'm your senior, (F/N)." Akeno answered. "And you've got some lessons to learn." Akeno licks her lips and stares at you with longing in her eyes.
  "Akeno," you start to say, but at that exact moment your door bust open. Rias is standing there, steam comming out of her ears. "Akeno! (F/N)! What the hell is going on here!" Akeno smiles and says "Since I'm his senior I was going to teach him some things." Rias stares at Akeno, and you can tell she is pissed off. "Akeno, are you the master of his soul?" "No, Rias." answers Akeno.
   "My Lady Rias," you say. "may I please say something?" "You better!" snaps Rias. You get out of the bed, grabbing the blanket to wrap around you. You look towards Akeno and say "Akeno, I'm honored that you feel that way, but I can't do that or anything else that would be intimate with you. Don't get me wrong, you are very attractive, but I don't feel that way towards you. I'm sorry, but my heart belongs to someone else." Akeno looks down with a little frown.
   You then turn towards Rias, "Rias you are my master of my soul, but you are the master of more." You kneel down and bow your head. "You are the master of my heart, Lady Rias. I've loved you from the first moment that I saw you. I am yours, body, heart, and soul." Both Rias and Akeno blush at hearing your confession. Rias walks up to you and you stand, still holding the blanket around you.  She pulls you into a warm hug and whispers in your ear, "I love you too, (F/N)." You separate and look in each others eyes and slowly inch towards one anothers lips. Your lips touch and it's like lightning between you both. Hers soft, warm lips against yours. You both separate, blushing.
   "I'll go and meet everyone else downstairs." Akeno says breaking you both out of the trance. Both you and Rias blush even darker. "Get dressed (F/N)." Rias says, "We have alot to talk about." You start to get dressed as soon as they are out of the room. I can't believe I just kissed her! And she said she loves me too! You feel like you are walking on air as you finish getting dressed.
   You head down the stairs and hear people talking in the living room. As you turn the corner all eyes are on you. You start to blush and sweat at the same time. You look at Rias and see she is lightly blushing too. Don't tell me they all know we kissed already! You sit down in the only seat left, on the loveseat next to Rias.
   "Now to officially welcome (F/N) to the ORC and our family." says Rias. "Thank you, Lady Rias." you reply.  "You met everyone this morning,  except Kiba." says Rias. "We know eachother from kendo. You are my hardest opponent, Kiba." you say as you bow towards Kiba. "Mine as well." Kiba replies returning your bow, "Glad we are on the same team."
   "Now, (F/N) are you familiar with the game of chess?" asks Rias. "Yes, but I'm not really good at it." you reply. "Well a devils peerage is set after the pieces in chess. I, as the master, am the king. Akeno is my queen, Koneko my rook, Kiba and Xenovia my knights, Asia my bishop, and Issei my pawn." "Ok, so what am I then?" you ask. "You," said Rias, "are also a pawn." "Wait a second," exclamed Issei, "I thought I took up all eight of your pawns!" "You did, but I pulled some strings with my brother and was able to get another pawn." explained Rias. "Oh, ok." said Issei. He looked kind of dejected now that he wasn't the only pawn. "Well I know that some people think that a pawn is the weekest piece in chess." you say. "But I know that if it gets to the other side of the board it can be promoted to any of the other pieces, except the king." "Very good, (F/N). That is right. During a battle, when a pawn reaches the area that the king considers enemy territory the pawn can be promoted." says Rias. You smile, glad I know a little about chess.
   "Now, about your sacred gear." continued Rias. "Have you figured out how to activate it yet?" "No, I haven't." you say with disappointment. "Don't worry, we will help. What part of you feels the strongest?" Rias said. "Umm, I guess my right hand." you say. "Ok, here is what I want you to do." explains Rias. "Stand up and focus all your energy into your right hand. That should activate your gear." "Alright, here goes nothing." you say as you get to your feet. You hold out your right hand and using the techniques you have learned meditating you focus all your energy to yoir right hand. Within seconds gauntlets appear on both your hands and in your right hand a five foot long katana appears. The gauntlets are black and red with gold inlaid. They look like a modern version of samurai gauntlets and your katana has a dull red glow. Everyone is staring at you with their mouths ajar. "Ummm, guys, what's wrong?" you ask. "Dude, your eyes are glowing red." said Issei. Rias says "It can't be, that blade hasn't been seen in over a millennium!" "Umm, so.. ahh, what's the story about it?" you ask. "If I'm correct," says Rias, "you are the wielder of the Deamon Blade Shimmer. A deamon blade is the exact opposite of a holy sword. Shimmer is extremely rare and has some unique abilities. It is said to be deadly to fallen angels. Supposedly if a fallen angel is cut or scratched by Shimmer it will drain their lifeforce and either transfer it of heal its wielder. If the stories are true, that could explain why they targeted you."

   What a day! You woke up with Akeno in your bed, kissed your love, and now you are the wielder of a deamon blade that no one has seen in over a millennium! What's in store for you next?

  I hope you all like it so far. Please vote and comment what you think about it. And let me know if you want this to go as far as lemons are concerned. Thank you all!

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