Chapter 1

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Hello all, this is my first attempt at a fanfic, please be kind. It will not follow Highschool Dxd. It will have its own arc.

  You have been friends with Issei for about a year now, but haven't been hanging out as much since he joined the ORC. He knows about your secret crush but doesn't push you about it.

(F/N) First Name
(L/N) Last Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(E/C) Eye Color


   You wake up from a nice dream where you finally got the nerve to ask out your crush, Rias Gremory. In your dream she didn't blow you off, but instead blushed and accepted. You were so stunned you almost fainted. That's when she told you that she thought you were the most handsome guy is school. You two were moving in for a kiss when your alarm goes off.

   "Awww man, that was the best dream ever. Maybe it means that today won't be so bad." You say to yourself. You stretch and get out of bed. Grabbing your school uniform you head to the bathroom to shower and get ready. While you shower you mind wonders back to your dream. You think of what it would be like to kiss those lips, if you could ever get past your insecurities. She's the most beautiful girl in the school, do you really think she would ever go out with you?
   You finish with your shower and get dressed. You look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself "I'm not bad looking, some people think my (E/C) eyes are great. You just have to take the chance." You go to the kitchen and grab something to eat. Maybe I can catch up to Issei on the way to school, you think to yourself. You rush out of the house with new resolve.

<time skip>

You see Issei ahead of you when you are about two blocks from the school.

(Y) "Hey, Issei, wait up!"
(I) "Hey, (F/N). How have you been?"
- "I'm ok, how about you?"
- "I'm doing ok. What's up?"
- "We just haven't been hanging out much since you joined the ORC. And you know Matsuda and Motohama only want to try to peep on girls, so I've been just hanging out at home and stuff."
- "You still go to the dojo and pratice your kendo?"
- "Yeah, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."
- "That's some dedication there, (F/N)."
- "Well I have to do something to fill in all that free time, you know?"
- "Haven't you found a girlfriend yet?"
- "Issei, you know who I like, and you know I haven't had the nerve to approach her. I get so nervous around her."
- "Let me give you a pointer, (F/N). Just ask her, she is actually really friendly and you might be surprised. Why don't you come by the ORC club after school?"
- "Alright, I'll think about it."
- "Good, now lets get to class."

  You both head into the school and to class. What am I going to do? you think to yourself. Should I go to the ORC club after school? I just don't know, but Issei said she might surprise me... I just don't know. You see Asia and Xenovia walking up to Issei and talking to him. You just go over and sit at your desk. How dors one of the biggest pervs in the school get to hang out with those two and the other girls in the ORC? you think. If he has a chance, maybe I do too. The bell then rings bringing you out of your thoughts. Time to focus on school now.

<time skip>

   The final bell rings. About time, you think. You start to walk out of school towards the ORC club building slowly. You have thousands of possibilities running around in your head. You see Issei up ahead by the door and you pick up your pace just a little bit. You wave at him and he gives you a thumbs up.

(I) "Hey (F/N), you ready for this?"

  You look up in in the window is Rias. She looks down in your direction and you feel your cheeks start to blush.

(Y) "Ummm, I. I. I ccan't today.. I. I have to get to the dojo... I'll talk to you later Issei."

  You take off before he can say anything to you. Two blocks later you slow down to a normal walk. I can't believe I just did that. Issei must think I have no backbone. Here he is practically trying to set me up with jer and I totally cop out. You continue to walk to the dojo. Maybe a talk with sensi will help out. At least I'll be able to work out some frustration.

<Back at the ORC>

(Rias) "Issei, who were you talking to outside?"
(I) "That's  (F/N)(L/N), a friend of mine. We haven't been hanging out much since I became a devil and all. He has a huge crush on someone in here, and I was trying to help him out. But I guess he still isn't ready."
(R) "Who does he have a crush on?"
- "Ummm, I don't think I was supposed to say anything about that. I'm sorry president."
- "Ok, I'll let it go for now, but I want you to keep an eye on him."
- "Do you think he has a sacred gear?"
- "I'm not sure, there's something about him though. Besides he is cute."
- "Ha, ha. I'll keep any eye on him for you, president."

<time skip>

  You are leaving the dojo, a little worn out, but in all a good workout.  You decide to walk through the park on the way home. As you get to the entrance there is a girl handing out flyers. She hands you one and you look at it. It has a strange design on it in red, on the back it said "Your dreams will come true". You put it in your pocket and continue your walk in the park. As you get close to the fountan in the middle you see a girl sitting on the edge crying. It's starting to get dark and you don't want to just leave her there all alone. You start to walk towards her.

(Y) "Hey, are you ok?"
(G) "I'll be fine in a minute."
- "Is there anything I can do, or do you want to talk about what's wrong?"

  You walk up untill you are just in front of her. She then loiks up at you and has an evil smile.

- "Yes you can die!"

You slowly start to back up, but she jumps up. Suddenly she is five feet in the air with big black, feathery wings. She is wearing a very revealing outfit that leaves noting to the imagination and in her hand is a spear made if light. She throws it at you and impales your foot to the ground, she then thows another one and impales you other foot. She is laughing at the pain you are in. It feels like you feet and legs are on fire.

- "My name is Seri, and you little man have something that is too dangerous for me and my friends. I've already been to your home, but you weren't there. So I took care of your parents! Now it is time for you to join them!"

  With that she threw another light spear that went through your abdomen. Blood erupted from your mouth and you slumped to the ground. You pulled the flyer from you pocket. I guess this was wrong, my dreams will never come true. "Rias" you say, and suddenly a bright red light shines from the ground and there she is.

(Y) "Rias...."
(R) "(F/N)!"
- "I have to say something befor I die.."
- "Don't say anything, you're going to be alright."
- "Rias... I.. love.. you....."

  You close your eyes, you finally told her. But now you are dying, and will never get a chance to kiss her. Rias picks you up and teleports you to the ORC.


   Well I finally have the first chapter done. Let me know what you think.  Comment if you want and I will reply. What's going to happen next? I'm sure you know some of what will happen, but not all. Hope you all like it. I'll be working on the next chapter. If you have any suggestions don't hesitate to let me know. Take care for now.

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