The Moon and The Sun (TomTord)

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No P.O.V
"Tord! Tord!" The little boy in green yelled. He danced around on the clouds, coming closer to the male who wore fiery red.
"What is it, Edd?" Tord asked wearily, having already answered many of his questions.
Edd sat down, folding his hands in his lap and answered Tord with a curious smile.
"Can you tell me the story of how the Moon loved the Sun so much, he died for him every night?"
Tord's eyes widened in surprise but was soon replaced with a gentle smile.
"Yeah, I'll tell you."
Edd sat impatiently, waiting for Tord to start speaking.
"The Moon and the Sun have always fought, one wanting to have complete dominance over the other," he paused, "but, no matter how much they fought, they balanced each other out."
The sun was starting to rise above the horizon, light crashing over the dark land.
"One could never overpower the other. But, neither of them wanted to leave the sky." He fiddled with a blue pendant, his fingers rubbing it in a sincere way.
"But, Tom and I got along on the end. He couldn't bear to see the Sun disappear forever."
A gentle smile graced Edd's face. "So, What did the Moon do?"
"Well, the light can't shine in abundant darkness. So every night, he would get rid of himself, the darkness he was, and let the Sun gasp for air as he took his final breath. The Moon always thought the Sun was beautiful, a 'ball of fire, light, and grace' he has put it once. But, he seems to forget that the Moon is gentle, honest, and serene."
Tord's tone was bitter sweet.
Edd's eyes shone with passion, inspired by the Moon's selflessness.
Tom sauntered up to Tord, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
"Hello, My Sun. We will meet again, soon."
And with that, he turned into nothingness as the Sun took over the sky, light bathing the ground.
"The Moon loves the Sun so much, he would die for him every night to let him breathe."

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