Going Home (TomMatt)

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No P.O.V
In a shared house of 4 friends, one of them adored the stars. His name was Tom.
The eyeless male could often be found outside at night, roaming about while looking up at the sky.
His favorite place to go was an old abandoned building. Tom would sit on the roof of the tall building and admire the stars from a closer perspective.
Currently, it was lunch time and he was sitting in his room, doodling constellations on some sheet music.
Matt's P.O.V
I stood outside of the navy blue door, adjusting my jacket before I turned the knob and entered the room.
It was dark, the only light source being a black U.V. light.
"Tom, what do you want for lunch today?" I asked him, sitting down on his bed.
"I don't care. How about Ramen?" He suggested.
I nodded and leaned over his paper, peering down to see what he was doing.
I saw the outline of stars and chuckled to myself.
"Which constellation is that?" I asked him, gazing at his face.
"Ursa Major." He responded absentmindedly.
I watched as he drew more stars around the constellation, giving the feeling of a night sky.
He was good at drawing when it came to stars, his pen movements were careful but precise.
"Come down for lunch in a few." I said softly as I made my way out of his room.
Tom's P.O.V
I added a few more notes in the page before I set them aside and made my way to the door, softly tapping against objects around me.
I opened my door and sauntered out to the kitchen where Matt was. He had 2 bowls of ramen and was waiting for me to arrive.
"Hey, Matt." I greeted him.
He smiled and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me and placing a kiss on top of my head.
"You always get so wrapped up in your music and stars that sometimes, I think you forget I exist!" He pouted.
I laughed at his jealousy and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before slipping out of his hold and into my seat where my ramen awaited me.
I wrapped some of the noodles around the fork and stuffed them into my mouth, chewing quickly.
Matt sat down across from me and started to eat his ramen as well, but a bit slower.
I finished before he did and sat there with him until he finished. Truth be told, I hated eating alone, so I didn't let anyone eat alone if I happened to be around.
Once he finished, I suggested we watch a movie in my room. He agreed and I went ahead to my room while he picked out a movie.
I snuggled into my blanket and pillows, leaving room for Matt behind me.
I was fine if he wanted to cuddle, but he's too tall to be the little spoon when watching a movie! I've made the mistake once, but never again.
Matt opened the door, his frame being just a shadow since my room was dark. He slipped a movie into the VCR and hurriedly jumped behind me, not wanting to miss the beginning.
He draped one of his pale arms over my torso and I smiled, intertwining my hand with his.
Time Skip
It was almost the end and Matt had fallen asleep, his back facing mine.
I sighed and hopped out of my bed, slipping in my shoes and grabbing a flashlight as I made my way to the door.
I opened it quietly, taking one last long look at Matt. I walked back over to him and gently kissed his cheek before leaving the house.
Once I had gotten out, I started my walk to my favorite place.
It was quite dark out, the only thing lighting my path was the flashlight I took. It's dull light was yellow, making the gravel beneath my feet seem like I was walking on gold.
But the real treasure was above me, twinkling in the sky. The stars were such a contrast to the dark sky, as if they were made to stand out.
I finally reached the building, the graffiti a familiar sight to me. I headed in, the entrance being a space between the boards in a window.
I walked up the creaky stairs and pushed open the escape door that led to the roof.
I sat on the edge, letting my feet dangle. I let out a sigh of contempt, enjoying the view that was painted in the sky.
Matt's P.O.V
I flipped over and reached out to snuggle with Tom but my hand only caught the empty space that was next to me.
Hmm... he must be at that building.
I slipped my shoes on and started the walk to the building.
It was a beautiful night out, the temperature was just right and the sky was clear.
The building came into view and I could see a figure standing on the edge.
That's probably Tom.
I went in the way he showed me and ran up the stairs, pushing open the door that led to where Tom was.
"Tom, what're you doing so close to the edge? You'll fall."
He turned around and looked at me with a smile, one full of longing and sorrow.
"I'm going home, Matt. To be with the stars."
And then he let himself fall forward, his knees buckling.
I screamed, racing to the edge. I peered over the ledge, only to see Tom at the bottom. Unmoving.
Tears pooled in my eyes, and I let them fall. I watched as they slowly faded out of sight.
I hope you feel at home up in the sky, Tom.

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