Raining On You (TomTord)

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No P.O.V
It was night, the black velvet sky twinkling with diamonds that were held high above the ground.
Inside of one particular house held a male dressed in a blood red hoodie.
He sat on his bed, rocking back and forth as if a wind whipped his body to its liking.
His shoulders shook slightly, like he was covered in water.
He sat on a bed, the sheets messy and thrown around, due to his thrashing.
He had had a horrible day, nothing going right. Everything seemed to be crashing around him, and he just couldn't control it.
Tom, one of the residents in the house, came in, holding flowers.
They were for a special someone, specifically Tord. Tord meant the world to him.
Tom kicked off his shoes and headed up the stairs, his footsteps light and fast.
By the time he reached the top, he was out of breath. He placed a hand on the beige wall for a second, regaining his composure, before walking over to the door that Tord was hidden behind.
Tom knocked gently, signaling he was there, and headed in. His small smile fell into a frown when he saw the current state of his boyfriend.
Tom walked over to him, setting the flowers on the bed. He pulled Tord into his arms, asking him what was wrong.
"Everything!" Tord cried out.
Tom gently shushed him.
"Why does everything bad happen to me?" Tord asked.
Tom sat there for a second before an idea came to his mind. He picked out two separate flowers and held them.
"What happens if a flower never gets rain?"
Tord looked at him confused before responding with, "I don't want to play your games, Tom."
"Tord, just answer my question. What happens if a flower only gets sunlight and never gets rain?"
Tord sighed dramatically, his smoky eyes filled with annoyance.
"It would die, Tom. The flower can't live without rain." Tord said dryly, highly unamused.
Tom nodded and gently plucked off one of the petals, rubbing the amethyst colored petal between his fingertips.
"Exactly. Flowers can't be beautiful without rain. It's what helps them survive,"He gently placed the flowers into Tord's arm. "And you, my Dear, happen to be the most beautiful of them all."
Tom placed a rough hand on Tord's cheek, tilting his eyes up so the smoky gray met an endless void.
"Don't forget it." Tom whispered.
He walked towards the door, but paused for a moment to set down the two flowers he had in his hand. His touch lingered on the flower for a moment before he pulled his hand away.
He left the room, leaving Tord stunned, touched, and blushing.
Maybe the rain isn't so bad after all.

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