Confession (TomEdd)

426 14 18

Tom's P.O.V
I'm driving in my car, the radio blasted as cold air blows in from my opened window. It was almost winter, leaves scattering the ground and darkness creeping up earlier than usual.
I had no set destination, allowing my thoughts to wander.
They settled on my crush. The boy I liked had coffee hair and glittering eyes. He drank way too much cola and his hands were always covered in lead, but he was perfect.
His lopsided grin showed the most affection I've ever seen a smile hold and he had the softest voice.
We used to hang out, but eventually we stopped scheduling dates. Our conversations moved to the phone, and I'd stay up until ungodly hours just to have more time with him. But soon, the texts stopped. Sometimes, I still text his phone although, deep down, I know I won't get a reply.
We haven't talked in ages, and truthfully, I've avoided him. How do you talk to someone you haven't seen in months? How do you confess your feelings when you no longer see this person?
I am sitting at a stop light waiting for it to turn green so I can head home. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel. I bite my lip. I adjust the volume on the music a thousand times. Anything that will stop my thoughts from drifting. I don't want to hear his laugh or remember how his stupid eyes crinkled when I told the lamest joke ever.
The light is finally green and I floor it, ready to go home and slip into sleep.
The drive home seems like it took longer than normal, but I finally arrive in my driveway.
I can see the blue-gray house in front of me. I slide out of the car and slam the door shut, pushing the lock key once I start walking.
I unlock the front door and head into my house.
I kick off my shoes and walk around through the dark house.  I headed into my room and flopped down on the bed, not bothering to cover up. I fell into a restless sleep, tossing and turning.
Time skip
I finally gave up and turned my head towards the clock, wondering what time it was.
3 A.M.
Great. I stood up, tossing my covers to the side. I had made up my mind. I was going to tell him how I felt.
I walked through the dead house and grabbed my keys, ready to put on my shoes and head to the nearest store.
I opened the door and locked it behind me before jogging to my car and hopping in, putting the keys in the ignition and hearing the engine roar as I cranked the heat up.
I backed out of the drive way and started towards town, looking for a store.
Luckily, I stumbled upon a Walmart and ran in, grabbing some flowers and checking out a self checkout.
I went back into the car and sat there for a minute.
I sighed and started the car once again, heading to the place I last saw him.
The drive was silent, the only sound being the air.
I pulled up next to the fence and parked. I grabbed the flowers and got out of my car.
I knew he'd be here. This is the last place I ever saw him.
I made my way towards him, smiling when I did see him.
"Hey, Edd.." I began softly, "I know I haven't seen you in a while. I feel bad that I avoided you for so long."
I took a minute to take a deep breath, trying to keep my anxiety at bay.
"But," I continued, "I have something that I wanted to confess to you. I...I-" tears welled in my eyes and slipped down my face "I love you. I'm sorry I avoided you for so long and I really have missed you." I wailed.
He was silent, just as we had been for the past months.
"I guess I came here to ask you... Would you be my boyfriend?"
I bent over and set the flowers on his grave, then walked away, my sniffles and muffled sobs filling the cemetery.

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