14 - The Dust

13 4 0

The face of Satan did not budge

He grew in size from the old sludge

Down the hatch, down the hatch!

What was it like to be in the watch?

Cast out from Heaven at the new dawn

Did you have time to pack your scented bags

Say farewell to the lovers long lost

Keep your favorite games inside a lawn?

Or were your goods so confiscated

Was your temper obliterated? 

Had you the rings of Jupitero 

Still in temperatures below null? 

Your party is quite loud, not rhythmic 

It is not even rhythmic, Satan! 

Do you not know what proper music is? 

The dust is in my eyes, oh God, why

The dust is in my lungs

I cough up the dusty 

The dust is on my tongue 

The dust, the dust, the dust! 

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