13 - Palymemnon

14 4 0

Ask the technology at night 

Why Palymemnon does it so 

He fixes up his toys with fright 

But can't get to my own Wi-Fi 

Without causing a display of 

Pure sorrow- Tell Palymemnon 

I'm so fed up with his old shop 

For the walls and nails do quite reek 

It smells, it smells, it smells, it smells 

Perhaps he shouldn't go a week 

Without some bodily cleaning 

Stop rocking the boat, damn it all! 

This water is so high up, shawl- 

The red clouds have been passing 'round 

His screams do not stop, understand 

I never understood shivers 

I need to get out of water

It's a thing of the dampened past


His organs reek of gas. 

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