19 - Losing

13 3 0

Scream and bitch

Break and snitch


These trumpets 

They played the

Song for the

People of dead-

Water sprayed 

Over my 

Tombstone, dread- 

I don't know, 

I couldn't 


Fathom this!

Who would do 

Something such 

As this much?

Am I too 

To blame for 

The squeeze of 

Slowing time? 

The app downloads slow 

Into my vision 

As of this cold night-

Who goes there, alright? 

I said show yourself!

Kept trying to tell 

The doctors I'm mad

Yet they know little

They have stupid drugs

Little potent

Highly potent

Herbs, violins-

Make it all stop! 

I'd rather hear 

The clang of punch

It feels like I 

Got punched in the 

Mouth- Losing friends

But are still here. 

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