Chapter Twenty Six

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This was it – in a few minutes he'd see Jimin again, after practically forcing him to seek treatment.

He had managed to last the whole 6 months with no contact from Jimin, no phone calls, snap chats, messages or tweets, and now Jimin was being released from the treatment centre.

Tae had received the call from the clinic a couple of days ago and at the time Tae had been ecstatic. But now that he was standing by his car outside of the centre, he was freaking out. He was feeling everything all at once, and the jumble of emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

What was he meant to say to him? Should he apologise?

Tae was staring at his feet, shuffling one foot, drawing letters in the dusty parking lot, trying to get the courage to walk to the stark white building.

What if Jimin wasn't happy to see him? Tae's shoulders dropped at the thought. What if Jimin's feelings had changed?

His stomach was churning, and he was still staring at his feet, trying to psych himself up, when a pair of bright red converse shoes stopped in front of him. He slowly raised his eyes, tracking up the body attached to those very familiar shoes. His eyes widened as he took in the long legs in tight black jeans, tracking up to the bottom of a white shirt hitting halfway down a set of well-toned thighs. Then trailed up across a broad chest, and the sexiest shoulders he'd ever seen (internally he wondered when he became a shoulders guy), to finally rest on Jimin's face.

Jimin was smiling, a tiny tentative smile, his full pink bottom lip curving upwards just slightly, and his deep brown eyes crinkling at the corners. His hair was back to his natural black, and he was completely make-up free. And he was absolutely the most beautiful thing Tae had ever seen. He felt like he was finally home.

Tae just stared at him, taking in the healthy complexion, the lack of bags under his eyes, the golden glow of his skin. 

He didn't notice as Jimin's smile disappeared, and his shoulders started to drop.

"Tae?" Jimin whispered, slowly reaching out a hand towards his friend, starting to worry that Tae wasn't happy to see him.

Tae finally inhaled, taking a breath deep into his chest. His mind had clearly gone on vacation, he couldn't think of a single thing to say. Instead he found himself stepping towards the now dark haired boy's body, lifting his hand to touch the golden skin of his cheek and slowly leaning forward to brush his lips over Jimins. 

 It was the softest kiss, hesitant and barely there, but Tae felt like he was drowning in the feeling. He pulled back slightly, and rubbed his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip which was trembling.

"Ummm.... Hi....." Tae said, looking into Jimin's eyes.

Jimin was in shock, his eyes were wide, pupils blown out and flitting over Tae's face, from his eyes, to above his head, to his lips and quickly back to his eyes.

Shit! Tae thought, that was not meant to happen. And now he's looking at me like I'm going to smack him. Dammit!

"Ummm sorry about that" he started to drop his hand from Jimin's face and take a step away, but Jimin trapped his hand with one of his own, closing his eyes and pressing his cheek into the palm of Tae's hand.

"Tae?" he asked. Not saying anything else, just his name as a question.

Hearing his name from the lips he'd been dreaming of for months made his heart stutter. He had HIS Jimin back, and he looked healthy and ... is that what it looks like when he's happy? God it's like sunshine, it was too much for Tae.

In his head he knew he was confusing the poor kid, and he knew that they needed to talk, he needed to tell Jimin how he felt and to explain all of this. But none of that mattered because right now all Tae needed was to feel Jimin's lips under his again. He leant forward hesitantly, their breathe mingling, and paused a hairs breadth away from Jimin's lips giving him a chance to pull away if he needed to. But instead of pulling back, Jimin moved forward to close the tiny space and press their lips together and Tae was in heaven.

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