Chapter Twenty

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*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* Tae woke up with a jolt at the loud noise. He reached for his phone rubbing his hands over his eyes and checking the time. 4.15 in the morning – why was he awake?

*Bang* *Bang* Shit – That's what woke him up - Someone was knocking on the door. Tae slowly got out of bed, and opened his bedroom door. Kookie was standing in his doorway rubbing his hand over his face, one eye still closed, his black hair flat on one side and messed up into spikes on the other. Yoongi's door stayed closed but Tae could hear him ranting about noises at stupid o'clock. He couldn't hear any sounds coming from Jimin's room, which was a relief. He walked to the front door, pushing Kookie's back into his room and telling him to go back to bed as he walked past.

He was already glaring before he reached the door, so when he pulled it open his face was in full on death stare mode, but his expression changed pretty quickly when he realised who was on the other side of the door.

Joon was trying to hold up an almost unconscious Jimin who was partially leaning on Joon and partially slumped against the door frame. He looked up at Tae with a frown "Well? Are you gonna help me? Or should I just drop him here?"

Tae quickly picked Jimin up, wrapping an arm under his knees and sweeping him against his chest. He almost choked on the smell of smoke and alcohol coming from the boy. He flicked his head to Joon to get him to come inside and kicked the door closed before making his way into Jimin's room.

He placed the boy in the middle of the bed, taking his shoes off before pulling the blankets up over him, fully clothed, and turning to Joon with a questioning look.

Joon held both hands up "It's not my fault I swear – I found him like this" Joon spluttered, Tae raised an eyebrow and then indicated for the two of them to leave Jimin's room and head to the kitchen.

He yawned, stretched a little, and started the coffee machine "Alright – What happened?" he asked.

"OK so I went out for a drink at my favourite club," He shrugged his shoulders "To be honest I was feeling a little horny and I was hoping to pick someone up," he said with a wink, Tae frowned "Sh%t - No - Not what you think – not Jimin" he rushed to explain "I actually had no idea he would be there – we haven't exactly talked in the last 4 months."

"Anyway, I rock up to the bar, and order myself a drink, and it's one of those bars with the Karaoke lounge attached you know?" Tae nodded.

"While I was waiting for the bartender I could hear the song click over to the next tune and I could hear someone singing one of those slow sweeping ballads... what was it called? " Joon glanced at Tae "Sorry not important, anyway I could hear this voice and it was BEAUTIFUL like actually professional singer kind of awesome."

"Coffee?" Tae asked when Joon paused.

"Please" Joon replied, moving over to the island to watch as Tae made their coffees before sitting back on the bar stools "Right – so there's this amazing voice and I just had to go and see who was singing and guess what? It was fucking Jimin singing and prancing round the stage and it was ... well I already said he was awesome. Dude! you have to watch him dance one day – that boy is HOT."

Tae growled a little under his breathe and Joon started talking a little quicker.

"So he gets off the stage and all these people are standing around him just touching him and Shit, and I can see he's really uncomfortable, so I thought I'd go save him, but before I could he just trips on nothing and goes down."

"I rush in trying to get him up and then realise how absolutely wasted he is, he's so drunk he doesn't even recognise me.... You know... I probably should have known he was drunk though cause there's no way he would have stood in front of that crowd if he wasn't out of his mind. So anyway I get him the hell out of there and into my car.... And then we're here"

"Did he say anything on the way here? Like why he was drinking ....or why he was drinking alone .... Or why he was drinking on a work night?" Tae asked.

"Ummm not really – he said something about his workmates and diet pills – what did come through really clear was that he sure wanted to see you – he kept asking me to take him home to Tae."

Tae nodded as if this made complete sense even though in his head he was confused as fuck, and they finished their coffees in silence, before he thanked Joon and sent him on his way home.

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