Chapter Thirty

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Tae finally let go of Jimin's hand, but only to put his hand on the small of Jimin's back, nudging him into Tae's room. Or at least, it had been Tae's room, but now Jimin stood in the doorway with a little catch in his breath as he looked at his furniture filling up the space.

"Tae? What is this?" He spun to face the other boy.

Tae rubbed his neck and looked at the older boy before answering a little hesitantly "I read online that people who have gone through stuff ... you know... like the stuff you went through... well.."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes "All of the articles said that you might not want to go back to the same environment that you were in before but I didn't want you to leave so I swapped your room with mine, so at least you have a new room..." The words rushed out of his mouth.

Jimin didn't say anything. Tae opened one eye cautiously but Jimin had his back to the younger boy "I replaced all your sheets and stuff too, and bought you a new mirror..."

There was still no reaction from the older boy.

"Jimin? .... If you don't like it honey we can put it all back???.... Please say something" Tae was starting to choke up, and he could feel his eyes burning. Did he do something wrong?

Jimin finally turned to face Tae. Silvery tears dripped down both cheeks, but his eyes were filled with light, and his whole face glowed as he looked at Tae.

"Kim Taehyung, this is the nicest most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me in my whole life." He took a step towards the younger boy "I love my new room." Another step closer "I love that you cared enough about me to actually read anything on the internet." Another step "I love that you don't want me to leave." He took the last step, standing directly in front of Tae, as close as he could get without touching him, and looked directly into his liquid gold eyes. He inhaled deeply "And I am totally and forever in love with you". He quickly leant forward and pressed his lips against Tae's, his breathe catching as his body started to burn from the contact.

At first, Tae was completely still under Jimin's lips, and his heart faltered for a moment, wondering if he had completely misjudged the situation again. But then he felt one of Tae's hands grab his hip, and the other crept up to hold the back of his neck as Tae deepened the kiss.

They broke apart breathing heavily, and Tae rested his forehead against Jimin's. "Wait" he huffed at the older boy.

"What?" Jimin leant back slightly, this was not the response he had hoped for, or even the one he had expected. Was Tae rejecting him? After kissing him like that?

"It's just that I had this all prepared in my head, I've rehearsed this moment every single day for the last nine months, and I definitely wasn't meant to do this on your first day home, but you just came in with your smile and those eyes, and Oh God your lips, and you totally stole my moment"

"Wait - What?" Jimin was so confused, what had he done?

"It's OK Chim, but I just actually really need to say this OK?" Tae nudged the door closed and grabbed Jimin's hand again pulling him to the bed "Just sit there for a second" Jimin sat on the edge of his bed and watched Tae as he paced and ran his hand through his hair.

"OK – here goes" Tae stopped pacing and came to crouch down in front of Jimin, taking one of his hands in his own, needing the tactile contact to give him courage.

"Sometimes I'm not a very nice person, I'm selfish and I hurt people without ever meaning to." Tae had to look away from the boy in front of him for a moment, "And sometimes I'm really really stupid," he admitted as he felt tears gathering at the back of his eyes but blinked them away. "I took your friendship for granted, and I treated you badly, and I don't deserve to be in the same room as you" he lifted his hand to cup Jimin's face "But I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you. I love everything about you, from your freckles to your laugh, from your beautiful brain to the scars that show the pain you have been through. And I want to spend the rest of my life worshipping every part of you." He smiled at the beautiful raven haired boy in front of him.

"I've waited so long for you to be strong, and healthy so I could tell you how I feel," Tae continued releasing his grip on Jimin's hand so that both hands cupped his face "and now I just need you to be in my life in whatever way you want to be.... Although I'm kind of hoping that you might want to be my boyfriend?"

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