Lost in the water, save me before I drown take me away tonight.
"The next dinosaur we see is you" Michael whispered to me and I giggled, we were in a museum somewhere in Australia for a date, the place was prehistorical themed meaning numerous amounts of dinosaurs, most in which we have never even heard of before.
"Liopleurodon" I say trying to pronounce it, I heard Michael laugh beside me and I looked at him in confusion, "What?"
"It's a liopleurodon Charlie" He told me through giggles and I laughed along with him realizing what he was talking about, the security shot us a glare and I nudged Michael so he would stop laughing, "ok, I think our trip is done yeah?"
"Definitely, want to get some ice cream?" I asked and he nodded, we both walked out of the museum tempted to hold each other's hands but knew that we couldn't as we were in public, we walked up to the ice cream van and looked at the flavor, "What're you getting?"
"I'm thinking mint chocolate" he told me, "What about you?"
"Cookies and cream! What else would I have??" I asked and he nodded going up to the counter asking for our icecreams. I sat down at a bench next to a pond gazed out into the distance smiling at how my life turned out, I was the happiest I've been in a long time
"Here's you go" Michael smiled giving me the ice cream, I grabbed the cone excitedly and licked it, "Luke I love you"
I looked up at him in shock, he loves me? He fucking loves me. Butterflies were swarming around in my stomach and I felt a smile creep up on my face, I couldn't believe it, I've been trying to find a way to tell him I loved him forever and now I could finally tell him.
"You don't have to say it back!"
"I love you too"
End of Flashback.
"I love Paris" I told calum as we both sat down on our balcony couch with a coffee, staring into the views of Paris, the Eiffel tower in the distance and the beautiful birds chirping on the balcony next to them, This city has really got to me that's all I can say.
"Why do you love it so much?" Calum asked taking a sip of his coffee looking at me curiously, I thought for a moment, in all honesty I knew exactly why I loved it, because Michael and I were planning to have our weddings and honeymoon here, we loved Paris, this was our dream. I didn't feel like I should tell him that though.
"Everybody has a favourite place" I told him and it was silent again. I heard the balcony and a tired looking Michael stumbled out and sat on the couch next to me, "Morning"
"Morning" Michael grumbled and looked out to where we were all looking, for a moment everything was ok, everything was peaceful, I was content, "I have to fly crystal over halfway through the second week"
I wasn't so content anymore. Michael and I had spoken more than we usually do in this holiday and now that bitch will come and ruin everything, I looked over to Michael who was on his phone messaging... Crystal. I went onto my phone furiously and scrolled through instagram trying to take my mind off everything.
"We should band practice today and then get icecream" Calum suggested.
"That'll be nice" I replied and saw Michael still texting, I sighed and stood up, I couldn't stand being in the same room as him, "I'm going to wake up Ashton"
"Don't get killed" I heard Michael mutter from his phone, I grumbled and walked out of the balcony and into Michael and Ashton's room, he was asleep on his bed snoring pretty loudly. I shook him roughly and walked back out of the room to put my empty coffee mug into the sink.
"I'll meet you guys at the studio, I've got some work to do" I called out to the three and I heard a few replies back before getting my jacket and walking outside of the apartment. I was immediately hit with the fresh air and smiled as I walked down to the vinyl store where I knew Brodie was. I opened the store to see him sitting on the couch browsing through magazines.
"Hey Brodie" I greeted and he jumped in surprise and turned around to see me, he smiled and walked up to me.
"What're you doing here?" He asked me confused.
"I wanted to buy a vinyl, a souvenir for paris" I admitted and he nodded walking over to the shelves of vinyls.
"Anything specific?" he asked flicking through them, I looked with him and picked up wonderwall by oasis and felt a sense of nostalgia.
"We're slow dancing at a music festival?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Michael who pressed his forehead to mine, we swayed to the music and I giggled when he stepped on my toes lightly.
"Why not" He muttered and I nodded, all we could hear was the song playing: Wonderwall by oasis. I knew this would be in our memories for a long time, "God damn it hemmings I'm so whipped"
"Are you cream" I laughed at my own joke and he kissed me softly on the forehead laughing along.
"I'll be cream for you" He replied and I rolled my eyes, he was being such cheesy shit tonight, "Or maybe I'll cream for you tonight"
"Michael!?" I gasped and hit him on the arm he laughed and I relaxed back into his arms, "You're ruining the moment Clifford, just dance with me"
"Luke? You're spaced out? You good?" Brodie asked me and I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded showing him the vinyl and walked to the counter, "Wonderwall aye?"
"Yeah, it's a good song" I told him and he nodded placing it in a plastic bag before handing it to me, "Thank you"
"Anything for you" he winked and I felt myself go red before walking out of the store, that guy really needs to stop flirting with me. I walked towards the studio our manager told us to go to and I sat down in the room realizing nobody was here yet. I decided to text ashton.
Me: You guys coming?
Asston: We're on our way now, should be about five.
The wait for them felt like forever and when I saw the studio door open I sighed in relief, Michael walked in first and then the rest did slowly after him, I picked up the guitar from the rack and took my place.
"What flavor do you want Luke?" Michael asked me and I shuffled my feet realizing I had been thinking about Michael again, I hope none of them have noticed how much I've been zoning out.
"My usual" I told him scared he'd forget what it was. He nodded and turned to the lady and asked for the four flavors. Ashton sat next to me sliding in for a dramatic effect and I raised my eyebrow at him, "Hello"
"What up, you're really weird today" He told me and I looked down at my lap, well there goes nobody noticing, "Is it Michael?" he whispered and sighed seeing Michael had brought the ice creams back, I took the cookies and cream one and licked it smiling at the flavor.
"I think the song went well today, next week we should start recording our audio" Calum noted.
"I think that'll be great" I grinned.
"What day? I have to go on a date with Crystal sometime when she gets here" Michael added and I was instantly put back into a bad mood.
"I don't know. Any day, we're also going to have Brodie over for dinner one of those nights, that'll be fun" Ashton noted and I remembered he flirting and went red again.
"I still think there's something wrong with the guy" Michael mumbled, calum glared at Michael again but they just shrugged it off.

YoungBlood • Muke [Discontinued]
Fanfiction"Say you want me, say you want me, out of your life" Maybe even the city of love can't put together something so broken. Authors Note: this story is discontinued as i don't really ship them anymore and it makes me sorta uncomfortable considering he...