An Ocean

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Eliot's Point of Veiw

Her hair was a dark blue, like the ocean. It was the first thing I saw when I walked into the English classroom.

 Why wasn't anyone sitting next to her? I thought boys would be surrounding her. She was gorgeous. Dark blue hair, big green eyes, an adorable nose that was slightly turned up, freckles that dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, loose curls, lips that were parted slightly while she was reading. 

I hadn't noticed that I had been staring at her. 

"Do you need something?" she questioned. Her lips were now slightly pursed and she raised one eyebrow.

"Um, c-c-can I sit wi-with you? I'm Eliot, b-by the way." I stuttered. I stuttered when I was nervous. My mom always said I needed to work on that.

"Fine, Eliot" she sounded either annoyed or indifferent. Which one it was, I would never know.

Standing up close, I noticed that the ends of her hair were teal. So it went from dark blue at the top, to teal at the very ends. It really was like the ocean. I chuckled to myself as I sat down.

"What's so funny?" she tilted her head slightly.

"Nothing" I said quietly.

"It's about my hair, isn't it? Oh I bet you've heard about the weirdo Skylar. You know, the one with the blue hair, who doesn't have any friends? Yeah I've heard it all, and I know the only reason you are sitting here is that there are no other open seats." She breathed out a sharp sound of annoyance.

Great, I messed up my only chance with her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" I mumbled.

She didn't know why I was at Nashton High School. I hated my old school because I didn't fit in, I had no friends, and I was picked on, everyday. I was teased because of the way I dressed, because I liked to paint, because I was so scrawny. It never ended. I would come home with bruises, and bloody noses. 

I just wanted life to be different. I guess that plan backfired already.

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