Passing Time

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Skylar’s Point Of View

About A Week Later

I couldn’t wait for English class. Maybe it was because it was first period and we were reading The Great Gatsby, or maybe it was because I would see Eliot again. I had known him for about a week now, and we shared a lot of the same classes. He never judged me for the things I liked and I never judged him. I guess that’s because we liked a lot of the same things. We both liked Classic Rock, Swedish Fish, Bastille, 80s Movies, Art class, Reading, Star Trek, Doctor Who, and of course The Princess Bride. There was a lot more that we had in common, but that might take forever to name.

Still, I didn’t know much about his old school and why he left. I knew it had something to do with the fact that he would change the subject whenever I asked and that he would flinch anytime he heard someone slam a binder down on a desk. Well, everyone flinches with the binder thing, but he would basically jump.

I was worried. I didn’t want him to be hurt, I wanted to help him in some way. 

I sat in our usual spot in the English room, waiting for him. We hadn’t texted all weekend, so I wanted to know what was up. He sat down at our table shortly after.

“So how was your weekend?” I smiled brightly. He always seemed to have that affect on me.

“Fine. I watched Into Darkness.” he shrugged.

“Without me” I tried to sound offended, but instead I just laughed. “Hey so are you free this Friday? We could watch Avengers at my house.”

“Sure, that sounds fun” his eyes lit up. Class started and of course, because it was my favorite, it seemed to pass by much too quickly. Most of that week seemed to pass by that quickly. English, Math, Art, History, all the classes I shared with him. Was this movie going to be a date? Maybe.

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