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I saw Thuy's dad talking to her and somehow he was pointing at me. 

"Kim is that you?" asked Thuy's dad.


Wait a moment is that my dad but it can't be because he is Thuy's dad. But anyway my mouth just talked itself and said, 

"Dad, is that really you?" Thuy's... I mean Dad nodded. Oh my goodness he's really my dad.

I didn't think of anything else but ran to him. 

"It's you dad, why did you leave me? I thought you got sent to the war and died" I cried. 

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I made you think in your whole life that I was died," Dad apologise. I couldn't say anything else but cried on my dad's t-shirt. Then I just remembered that Thuy was looking at us. I looked over to her, wiped my tears and saw her staring at us in confusion.

"What do you mean, what's going on?" Thuy said, looking chaotic. Just before I was about to talk, dad said, 

"Come on, why don't you two jump in the car and I'll tell you all about It". 

"You have a car?" said Thuy surprised. 

"Yes," Dad answers blissfully. 

"But how did you get that," Thuy says, wondering. 

"You'll see," Dad says. Thuy and I jump into the car in the two gloomy seats while Dad jumps into the front. 

"So what's going on Dad," Thuy says, anxiously. 

"You see girls, I was married to another woman and that was Kim's Mum and then I married your Mum, Thuy because it didn't work out for me and Kim's Mum".

"But why, I don't get It," Sky says. 

"Me neither," I say. 

"Well the thing is you and Kim are both half-sisters," Dad says. 

"What!" we both shout together, in the same time we're looking at each other surprised. Did my dad, I mean our dad just say we're sisters. Well I think he did. 

"But how did you get the car?" Sky ask still wondering. 

"Well, while I was fighting in the war I got paid a lot of money to fight for the country." 

"So after I got a call from the orphanage that you were here in Australia, I packed my bags and went straight over". Dad respond with amusement. 

"How did you get over here anyway?" Dad asks. 

"Oh it's a long story Dad, so long that we don't even know how to begin it," says me and Thuy, giggling. And Dad joined in as we drove off to our new home.

Well this is quite a happy ending so let's just say, to finish this story with a... 

The End

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