Part 6

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The bright sunlight creeping throw my window woke me up. I turned over and found a note. It said: "Hey beautiful, I left after u had fallen asleep. Don't worry, I unlocked your door before I went out the window.. Text me when you finish reading this💕." I looked at my phone and it was only 7:oo a.m.  I texted Ryder saying: "Heyy, I just read your note😘. Thank you for a great time last night, I had fun." Right away he responded.

Ryder: I'm glad you had fun😘

Me: What time did you leave last night?

Ryder: Around 4 or so.

Me: Have you slept yet??

Ryder: Nahh, I was just waiting for you to wake up😘

Me: Ryder you need sleep😂💖.

Ryder: Beth..

Me: Yes.?

Ryder: Can I tell you something..

Me: Of course you can..

Ryder: I..I think I love you.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say because I really like Ryder but I don't know if I love him.

A few hours passed by and I hadn't replied to Ryder's message yet. I was worried if I told him I didn't feel the exact same way our friendship would be ruined. My phone vibrated. It was a message from Ryder.

Ryder: Beth, I know you probably don't feel the same way.. Its okay, maybe we could just talk more than friends. I just really want to be with you I guess..

Ryder: Please text me Beth.. I just want to know how you feel..

I wasn't so sure if I should text him back because I didn't want to hurt him but at the same time I wanted to be with him too. Maybe its just too sudden or something.

Me: Ryder.. I don't know exactly how I feel, I really like you and wanna be with you but at the same time I don't know.. Like I guess we can talk as more than friends but I don't think we should be in a relationship..yet..

Ryder: I understand what you're saying, but Beth.. Why aren't you ready for a relationship yet?? Weren't you the one that suggested it in the past?? We've had sex. We were each other's first, and each other's first kiss when we were little. I've known you since basically birth..

Me: Ryder, I don't know what I want to be honest with you.. I want to be with you but at the same time I don't..

Ryder: Can we at least try it for a little while..? See how it goes..

Me: What if it ruins our friendship..

Ryder: I won't let it Beth.. Please..

Me: Give a little time to think okay.. I'll text u later..

Ryder: Okay..

I sat in my room staring at my ceiling thinking. Maybe I do love Ryder and just am not ready to admit it. What about Tucker? I just don't fucking know right now.. I grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel's from underneath my bed and took a big ass drink. Maybe this shit will help me a little.

I was halfway through the bottle in an hour and a half. I felt kinda buzzed but then I didn't. My mind was still filled with thoughts. I didn't know what I wanted. I looked at my phone and Ryder's named popped up.

Ryder: You still up..?

Me: Yeah, just a little buzzed. Why?

Ryder: Have you made your mind up..?

I thought for a minute and an idea popped into my head; what if I go on that date with Tucker and see how things go before I go with Ryder. In my drunk mind I felt as if that was a brilliant idea.

Me: Give me til the end of the week and I'll let you know.

Ryder: Okay. I'll see you around then. Sweet dreams and goodnight beautiful💕😍.

I didn't reply back after that, instead I texted Tucker.

Me: Hey Tucker, its Beth. I was wondering if you're free tomorrow. Maybe we could make up that date..?

Instantly he replied: Yeah, I'm free tomorrow after school. I can meet you by your locker after last period, or I could just meet you at King's.

Me: You could just meet me at my locker😊

Tucker: Okay, sounds good😘

Me: I'll see you tomorrow then.💕.

Tucker: See you tomorrow then😍💕.

If this date goes well tomorrow then maybe there's a chance for me and Tucker. I don't know, but its fucking 12 at night and I have school tomorrow. I don't even think I'm gonna be able to wake the fuck up in the morning for school. I'll just have Amber come wake me up.

Me: Heyy, ugh I'm a bit drunk so do you think you could come wake me up in the morning..?

~15 minutes pass by~

Amber: Yeah, I'll come wake you up😂😂💖 I'll being you some coffee to, you'll need it for that hangover you'll have.

Me: Thanks😂😂 I would be a complete mess, or even dead without you😂💖.

Amber: Bitchh I know😂💖 See you in the morning, I love you💕💕.

Me: I love you too😂💖💖.

Thank the lord Jesus I have an amazing best friend who cares for my messed up ass. I drink the last of my Jack Daniel's and lay down. Right away I passed the fuck out.

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