Part 3

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"Wait, Tucker.. Tucker Holt asked YOU to go eat at King's.. You!!??" Amber asked full of awe. "Yeah! The thing is I have no idea why. Like why me? I'm like a real bad influence and doesn't he know all the dumb shit I do??" I replied. "Maybe he's just tryna get laid." Amber said jokingly punching my arm. "Oh shushh Amber!!" I said laughing. "Hey, you never know Beth." "Maybe I should ask him why.." "Umm are you stupid?? You can't straight up ask him why he asked YOU to go eat, like dude really." Amber said with her hands on each of my shoulders. "Ughhhh!! What am I gonna do!??" "I mean its your choice Beth, just when or if you do ask him why, say it like flirty. Like say 'so I'm curious, why exactly did you want to go eat with me.. You could've picked any other girl in the school yet you chose me'." "Yeah, yeah that's good. I guess I'll say that." "Now the real question, what's up with you and Ryder..?" Amber asked quietly. "I honestly don't know, I guess we're just drinking buddies.." I replied. "Shit, more like fuck buddies" she said holding back a laugh. "Wow Amber," I said laughing, "no we're not fuck buddies." "Um are you sure? Haven't you seen your neck?? Beth you're so damn bad at hiding that shit." Amber said disappointingly. "Fuck, I thought my hoodie would cover this shit. Amber, I have no idea what the fuck happened last night. You know I was drunk. Maybe I'll text Ryder later on.." "Mmhmm. You do you hun, but just know I'll be here for yo ass when you fall under the spell of his gorgeous complexion and green eyes." "Shit.. I don't know anymore." "Well we'll just see what happens n how everything plays out."

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