Kissing on Camera

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I didn't want to see Jimin, but I had no choice. I had to go home at some point. All my dresses were there for the ceremony.

I sighed. Loudly.

Minhyuk was watching me over the top of his cup of coffee. The other guys were taking pictures or sleeping.

"Hana," Minhyuk said "You look worried"

"Do you think Jimin would ever fall in love with me?"


"I mean...we have to stay married for 6 months so I thought that he might fall in love with me"

"I...I honestly don't know what to say to that. Why would you want him too?"

"I don't know" I mumbled.

I shifted the mask on my face to sip my iced tea and I could feel the press trying to force their way through the window to get a picture of my face. I don't know how idols dealt with them every day. It was exhausting.

Screaming fans were one thing but the press was on another level. They would do anything for a story and all the boys were doing were drinking coffee with a friend. But I had a feeling it would be the main news because they were drinking with a girl. 

I sighed when the screaming fans got louder.

Minhyuk choked on his coffee suddenly.

"Are you ok?" I asked and I patted his back.

"Incoming" He coughed.

I looked up and saw Jimin practically running over to the table. I spat my drink over Minhyuk and Jooheon.

"Hana! That's gross!" Jooheon jumped to his feet as Jimin got to the table "I forgive you"

Before I could say anything, Jimin had me on my feet in his arms. He ripped the mask from my face and planted his lips firmly on mine.

What. The. Hell.

My eyes almost popped out my head as he carried on kissing me, his tongue flicking against mine. Oh my god!

I struggled against his grip and he finally pulled away from the sudden kiss, red-faced and panting. My eyes were wide as I stared up at him and his cheeks were just as flushed as mine.

"Hana" He breathed "Come home. The place feels empty without you. Come home with me, please."

"Um," I said, glancing at the cameras.

"You have to- shit there are cameras. I'm so stupid," Jimin sighed "I can...I'll deal with the press"

"Y-y-you kissed me!"

"I...uh...yeah, I did"

"Have you been drinking?"

Jimin laughed and shook his head "No. I've not but...l-l-let's go home. Yes?"

I cleared my throat "I don't want to"

"After that kiss, I don't think you have a choice, Hana" Minhyuk said, "Go home and you know, carry that on without cameras"

I'm sure my face went the colour of beetroot and I covered my face. Jimin grabbed my hand and tugged, making me follow him to the door.

"Hana. I'm going to look after you," Jimin said and he smiled softly at me "I will do all the talking. You don't need to open those pretty lips of yours"

Yeah. Jimin must have been drinking to compliment me.

"Jimin!" The press called "How can you let your wife-"

"My wife is allowed to have friends. Monsta X are very good friends of hers. She is allowed to have friends and they were taking her out for coffee. There is nothing going on, so please leave her alone" Jimin said.

"How do you describe that kiss then Mr Park?"

Jimin grinned "I missed my wife. Am I not allowed to miss her and kiss her when I want?"

I let Jimin pull me through the crowd and he motioned for me to get in the car. He jogged around and quickly climbed in the driver seat and pulled away from the kerb.

"You're a good actor" I muttered "That kiss would have fooled anyone"

"You think that was acting?" Jimin asked, almost squeaking at me.

"Yes. Why? Was that not acting?"

"Well," He stopped and sighed, "I told you I'd make...I know. I'm a good actor. I'm an idol and I have to be good at everything."

"Of course," I said quietly. I almost sighed. Why did I want that kiss to be real and not just for the camera?

Because you are an idiot.

"Hana," Jimin said "I want to apologise for what I said...and did to you. It was unacceptable and I felt awful about it. I'm disgusted with myself and I am sorry."

"I know," I muttered "Your friends messaged me. Did you really cry?"

"No!" Jimin exclaimed in a big pitch voice and then he cleared his throat "No...maybe"

"You shouldn't be the one crying,"

He sighed "I know but I want to make this work between us, even though it's just for 6 months. You...I don't want you to hate me. I don't hate you, you know,"

"I don't hate you as much as it pains me to say. You are just a jerk."

"I am a jerk. I'm sorry about comparing you to your sister again," Jimin muttered and pulled into the underground garage, "Hana you are nothing like your sister and that isn't a bad thing"

"It is when you look like me and married to an idol"

Jimin shook his head "Eujin might be beautiful but that's only on the outside. You, unlike her, are beautiful inside and outside. Just because you aren't supermodel standards, or don't stand out like idols-"

"Thanks," I muttered "I'd like it if you stopped comparing me to other beautiful people"

"I'd like if you stopped it as well" Jimin snapped at me "There is nothing wrong with the way you look. So what if you don't fit into today's society? I don't care. You are beautiful the way you are. End of. Now get out the car or I will drag you from it"

Jimin climbed out and slammed the door. He thought I was beautiful?

"Hana. One last warning,"

I was beautiful to him?

"Ok. That does it," Jimin opened the car door, leaned in and lifted me from the car "I told you that I'd do it"

"Jimin!" I squealed "Put me down! I'm heavy!"

"Behave yourself. You aren't and I've had enough of you not listening," Jimin hooked his arms under my legs and carried me bridal style to the lift.

"Put me down!" I screamed, "Let me go!"

Jimin grunted as I accidentally smacked his face and he quickly put me down.

"I'm not being carried again," I glared at him and he smirked "Don't carry me!"

"You're my wife," Jimin laughed "Anyway, even though the marriage is ending after 6 months, I'm still your husband and I didn't carry you across the threshold"

I screamed again as he swept me from the floor and carried me to the door "Jimin, I swear to god if you don't put me down,"

"Welcome home wife," He grinned and walked into the apartment, kicking the door shut.

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