Let Me Strip You Naked

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When Jimin and I got home later that night, I felt stuffed. Jin had prepared an extravagant meal for my birthday, the boys spoiled me and I even heard the demo for their new song, which my sister had named.

"Did you want me to run you a bath?" Jimin asked putting me on the sofa.

I sighed "I'm ok and again, you have to stop carrying me. The physio said I need to walk"

"The physio can suck my nuts," Jimin said, sitting next to me "It's painful for me to watch you try and walk. Jungkook is going to get a punch when I see him next. The way he spun you around in that hug pissed me off. I could see that it hurt you"

"Get over it" I muttered "It looked worse than it felt"

"Don't care" Jimin held my hand "I taped a movie. Wanna watch it?"

"Sure," I said, "Let me get changed first"

"I'll come and help you out the dress!" Jimin said jumping to his feet "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I can get undressed without you"

"No you can't" He grinned "Because you aren't walking or doing anything by yourself"

I sighed again "No! Jimin, I can walk"

Jimin lifted me into his arms "No. You can't. Not while I am here anyway. I don't want...I don't like seeing you limp. Let me do this, please. I like carrying you everywhere"

"I'm heavy," I said, "Please put me down"

"Not going to happen and fuck off. You aren't heavy" Jimin kissed my cheek and carried me into the bedroom "Right! Turn around and let me strip you naked"

"Jimin!" I yelped and slapped his hands away "You don't need to get me naked"

"Why not? I like you naked"

I blushed "I'm only putting my pyjamas on. I don't-"

Jimin put his finger against my lips "No arguing. Turn around"

I bit into my lip and turned around. I almost shivered at how gently he pulled the zip down on my dress. His hands were soft as he pushed the straps down my shoulders. The dress slipped off and pooled at my feet.

"Shit" He muttered and he wrapped his arms around me, putting his face on the base of my neck. Jimin kissed my skin "You're so beautiful"


"Hana, I don't think I want to keep my hands off you" He whispered "I can't keep holding myself back anymore. Not when you parade around in front of me"

"You wanted to strip me," I said quietly "I am capable of changing without you"

"You are my wife and I want to do everything for you," Jimin said, turning me in his arms "Dress you, feed you, wa-"

"I'm not a barbie doll!" I exclaimed.

Jimin grinned "Ok. Maybe that wasn't a great explanation"

"You think?" I said, almost squealing.

"I just want you to be happy and I want to do everything I can to keep you happy. There are a lot of stories in the press and I don't want it to depress you" Jimin said "It was hard not seeing you smile when you were in the coma. I can't live through that again"

I sighed and put my hands on his cheeks, squishing them together and making him have a pout. 

"I understand that but I am my own person," I said, squishing his cheeks some more "You are so squishy!"

Jimin laughed and put his hands on mine "I love you. More than I ever could have thought"

I felt my face go red and I couldn't help but look away "I love you too"

"Good" Jimin grinned widely, his eyes getting smaller. It was so cute "So let me carry on and get you naked!"

I laughed as his hands started to roam my body "No. We have a film to watch"

"Fuck the film," Jimin said, pulling me into his arms, his hands on my lower back "The film can wait. Right now, I want to cherish my wife"




Jimin smirked "Is the film more important than me wanting to hold you in my arms?"

"N-no but-"

"Then why are you complaining?" Jimin laughed and walked us back until the back of my legs hit the bed. He gently pushed me down and hovered above me "I won't let you push me away this time. Even if I just get to hold you in my arms, I'm not letting you run away"

I turned my head "Fine...b-but then the film"

"Whatever you want baby" Jimin kissed my cheek "Move up the bed so we can hug properly. Oh, and did you have to wear sexy underwear? You tease"

I was sure that my whole body was red but I quickly crawled up the bed and he joined me, pressing his body against my back. Jimin ran his fingers up and down my bare thigh and kissed the back of my neck.

"I didn't get your birthday present yet," He said "But I know what I am getting you. We can go out tomorrow to get it"

"I don't need a birthday present," I said, "I'm used to not-"

"Then you should get used to getting presents because every year I will get you something better" Jimin tucked his hand between my thigh and my breath caught in my throat "I will top this year present with the one next year. Every year will be a surprise and you are going to love it"

"Then what am I going to get you for your birthday? I don't have a job"

"You don't need a job," Jimin said, rolling me onto my back "I told you that I have enough money to support us for the rest of our lives. You don't need to worry about money when you have me. I have given you a card to my bank account, so start using it"

"I feel bad"

"Don't" Jimin kissed me gently "What's mine is yours and I mean everything. You can even wear my boxers if you want to"

I laughed "Thanks, but I have my own underwear"

Jimin grinned "I think you look hot in my boxers"

I smiled and kissed Jimin. I half expected him to pull away to carry on talking, but he didn't. Jimin deepened the kiss and I felt my body burn under his touch.

"Hana," He said, his lips brushing mine "Would you let me love you?"

"Y-you mean-"

"Yes," Jimin said "You were saying how you weren't ready...but neither was I. I didn't want to force you into but I want to do it now...only if you want to"

I gulped and my mouth went dry. My heart was in my throat and I gripped his shirt tightly. He watched me as my mind went into overdrive. I wanted this.

I licked my dry lips "Y-yes...I'm ready"

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now