Disrespectful Dominance Part 2

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I could feel the beating of my heart through the veins in my body, stronger than I ever had felt before. My head hurt like hell and worse as I tried to open my eyes, the pain seemingly piercing through my skull with even a quick glance around the room. The light shining down from above caused me searing pain as I kept struggling to focus my eyesight. I could move my body, I knew that much. I wiggled my fingers, each one having their own turn to confirm that I was still alive and not in hell. I wasn't really sure I could convince myself that I wasn't in hell, especially with everything he had done to me and how much it hurt to take it. I knew I had done something wrong and that I deserved every punishment as given to me. It had to have been when I hugged that guy...If I hadn't have hugged him, none of this would have happened. It was all my fault. I would never be good enough for him. He was so much better than I could ever be and I'm nothing.


I could hear the soft, sweet voice as I quickly blinked my eyes. I turned my head in each direction as if scanning the room, slowly, so as not to become too dizzy. Once I could make out the blurry outline of someone's face, things became more clear and easier to see. I was staring into his emerald green eyes. They seemed to always be telling me something, but I wasn't quite sure what that was. I just knew it was a message to me.

"Baby, I..."

People were always fooled into thinking that he was the gentleman he portrayed to be. Maybe it was the way he dressed. So casual but fancy at the same time. His voice? It was strong and convincing and his language was easily understood. Though, every time he felt like he needed to apologize, it would be the most difficult thing for him to do. He never wanted to admit his wrong doing. He always thought he was right and everyone else was wrong.

I could tell also when he was stressed. A light layer of sweat would cover his entire body, the vein on the side of his neck would bulge more than usual and his eyes would tell the story as they usually do. No one else could see it. I was usually the only one who could tell what he was thinking and by only looking into his swampy, mysterious eyes. He was studying the tattoos he had on his hand. He had his entire body full of them. I dunno why. He had the perfect skin tone and he looked much younger than other people his own age.

"Sweetie, I-I'm sorry...You know I love you and that I would never intentionally hurt you without a good reason~"

My heartbeat was racing, my chest rising and lowering quickly in nervousness. I don't know why I still felt terrified of him, even at his weakest moment. Sometimes, I would try to make him angry to get him to hurt me, just so I could get what I wanted later, which would be the guilt and seeing him below his normal stubborn ass self.

"You know how you are sometimes, Jemma. I just wanted to make sure no one was hitting on my girl~"

I wanted to believe him so badly. I studied the way a few hairs fell onto his face. He seemed so innocent, so harmless. I wanted to be with him, just us, alone. That way, no one could ever be there to distract us from being that perfect couple that everyone thinks we are. I nodded my head as if in understanding that it was all my fault and that everything bad that happened was because of me. No matter if I was even involved in the situation or not. I could see him smile and nod his head afterwards, getting the reconciliation he was seeking.

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