Disrespectful Dominance Part 6

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I had to reach back there further than I thought I would have to, but craning my neck to make sure I got the biggest one in order to do the job right was worth it. I stared at the blade. It had rarely ever been used, considering we had never really cared to share a nice dinner together. I pressed my lips tightly while holding the handle with both hands. I knew I had to do this, I couldn't take anymore of this shit. As soon as I brought the tip of the blade to my chest, ready to push in, I caught a glimpse of him at the front of the kitchen.


He asked as he stared at me, his eyes locked on mine as he glanced down at the knife in slight confusion. His eyes widened a little, unsure how to react. I just stood there, staring with the knife to my body.

"I'm gonna do it, Jake~"

I said in confidence, knowing that it would never make a difference to him if I did kill myself. He shook his head as I saw his adam's apple move up and down, guessing that he gulped in nervousness. I never saw him so uneasy. But then again, he was never uneasy about anything. I didn't know why he was acting like this, so unsettled about what I was planning on doing.He walked closer to me to the point where he was facing me down, the warmth of his breath tickling my skin again. I looked up into his eyes, more confident about this situation that I had been about any other. He reached his hand forward, entangling his fingers in my hair as he closed his eyes. I could feel his lips press against mine. For once in the entire time we've been together, he seemed to be gentle. I could feel his hand grab the knife from my own as he took it and held it. He held his face in front of mine as I kissed him back, both of our eyes closed. I had never felt anything like this, this was not who he was. After a long and refreshing moment of us kissing one another, he broke the kiss and I could feel him pressing the tip of the knife into my chest as he smiled.

"You were so confident earlier about doing this. If you were so sure about ending your life just moments ago, why not prove your strength by keeping that promise and actually doing it?"

He continued to smile as he spoke. So soft, so calm about the situation. My heart pounded. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After all the hell he's put me through and now he's encouraging me to take my own life? I felt like telling him to fuck off or leave me the hell alone, but I knew how badly I wanted to die. This life just wasn't worth it anymore. Ever since I met him, I had no hope in staying alive, no reason to.

"Just do it, Jemma. Stop all of this. End your suffering."

He handed me the knife and I took it in my hands, pointing the tip to my chest again as I had earlier. I kept eye contact with him as I pushed as hard as I could with a soft gasp, my vision becoming blurry as I shivered. I saw his smile. It was wider than it had ever been before in the entire time I had known him. As soon as I began losing my balance, his hand reached for the knife as he pulled it out of my body. He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back, my head hitting the concrete. A puddle of blood formed around my head as I stare up at the ceiling. I could feel my life slipping away. I could hear a soft grunt coming from him as he stood over me. I couldn't see the blade of the knife anymore because it was in his own body. I sighed softly, breathing my last breath as I heard his own body fall next to mine with a thud. All I could see was darkness.

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