Disrespectful Dominance Part 3

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We were both sleeping in my bed that night. He said he felt like he needed to do something to make up for what he had done to me. My throat was still a little sensitive to the touch and there were multiple bruises on my neck from his fingernails digging into my skin. I ignored the fact that I winced every time I went to massage it. I turned on my side, faced away from him. I didn't want to see him sleeping next to me, the one who had made me blackout due to lack of oxygen. I was never allowed to complain about anything. He had his way. Always. He always got what he wanted no matter what anyone else said or tried to do to stop him from getting it. I could feel him shift in his sleep. I could feel the bed sheets moving slightly with the change in his position. His face was close to me. I could feel the heat in his breath tickling my skin as he breathed on the back of my neck. I could sense the strength in his hand as he reached to grab my shoulder.

"Take off your clothes, Jem~"

I closed my eyes, feeling the speed of my heartbeat increasing as I gulped lightly. He knew I had never done anything before. I pressed my lips together, not sure why he wanted this now. He had asked me a few times before and had attempted to force himself on me, only to have someone at the door to drop a box off or someone on the phone calling because of the unpaid bills. I could feel the grip of his hand tighten on my shoulder as he moved it to my throat, his fingers wrapped around my neck but not applying any pressure.

"Don't make me grab any harder than I am now~"

He knew that I had heard him. He knew that I was awake now and he wanted to be in control of me. I reached a hand up to grab his wrist, knowing that fighting him wouldn't make a difference. I was weaker than he was in every way. I nod my head, waiting for him to let go of my throat before hesitating. I sit up slowly, my head straight as I stare at the wall. I gulp lightly before shakily reaching for my clothes. I could feel his eyes boring into my skin as he watched me undress. I knew he was smiling. I could tell he liked being in control. He owned me.

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