Jerks with Pretty Faces.

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Kakarrot was kneeling in the middle of the mess he created.  A guard burst through the door. "My lady are......" the guard stopped seeing the mess surrounding him.

Kakarrot looked at the guard. " Take me to Vegeta". He demanded. The guard only nodded and waited for Kakarrot.

Kakarrot got up and followed the guard. As they walked down the hall many guards and servants bowed to him. Kakarrot was felling anxious.

What if Vegeta didn't believe him. What if...

"We are here my lady". The guard said. They stood in front of a large pair of doors that said laboratory.

"Thank you". He told the guard. The guard nodded and stood by the door as Kakarrot went in.

What Kakarrot saw made his blood freeze. That blue haired bimbo was all over Vegeta and he wasn't even doing anything about it.

"I see just friends you say". Kakarrot said and ran out the lab and down the hall in tears.

"Kaka"! Vegeta yelled. He then motioned the guard to follow him.

'So much for love, he's just a jerk with a pretty face'. Kakarrot thought.

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