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As King Vejita laughed at his own joke alone Prince Vegeta walked passed them while grabbing Kakarrot's butt. Vegeta wasn't surprised when most of it couldn't fit in his hand.

"Father would you stop being a fool in front of my soon-to-be mate." Vegeta said out of embarrassment.  King Vejita stopped laughing and looked at his son seriously.

"Vegeta son I know you want to mate as soon as possible but we have to announce it to the people, so they know about there future queen. " Vejita explained to his son. 

Vegeta just sighed but nodded his head.  "Fine but I want it done today so I can have him tomorrow night at the new moon instead of the next mating season. " Vegeta told his father.

Vejita nodded his head in understanding. The king snapped his fingers and a maid came rushing by.  "Yes my lord." The maid said. "Ring the city bell to gather the people in town square." Vejita told the maid,  " Right away your majesty." The maid said before scurrying off to do what was told.
..........10 minutes later ...............

The Saiyan people all gathered at towns square. King Vejita walked out onto the balcony and started speaking. " People of Vegeta-Sei I  have an important announcement to make. Our Prince has found his mate and your future queen!" The people started cheering. King Vejita walked off the balcony as his people still cheered.

The announcement was made.

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