Eggman....Or Egglady?

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"Eggbutt! Get outta that flying thingy!"

A blue blur smashed into the gigantic robot, trying to reach a floating sphere.

"You idiotic blue rat!" The doctor ranted. "And you two! Shadow, why did you abandon me? And you, white rat! How did you get here?"

Shadow and Silver were also beating mercilessly at the robot.

Shadow just smirked. "You're too fat. And dumb."

Silver gave a little nod. "Yes, Ivo! You are terrible! I came to help my future!"

Dr. Eggman screamed as a flying Tails dropped an echidna on his face. Knuckles ripped apart the wiring, and then proceed to smash the evil doctor out of his protective bubble.

"Ouch. For a fried egg, that's gotta hurt." Sonic commented, twirling a ring. "Say goodbye to your precious robot, Eggy!"


The blue hero had torn all they way through the intricate wiring of the now smoking robot.

Grinning, Sonic turned to Eggman, expecting defeat, but receiving a surprise instead.

Eggman was fleeing, but not from him. "YOU IMBECILE! THE THING WILL TURN US ALL INTO GIRLS!"

The first to register his words, Shadow tried to teleport away. "God dammit! Why won't I teleport? I-"

They were too slow. Even the doctor himself was caught in the blinding flash of light.

All the males felt an odd sensation. When the light finally receded, a high pitched scream rang out.

A large woman, who looked to be in her 50's, was on the ground. Wearing Eggman's clothing, she snarled, "YOU IDIOT RATS! WE'RE STUCK NOW!"

"EGGMAN?" Sonic gaped.

"Let's go! CHAOS CONTROL!" Shadow teleported everyone out. They landed in Tails and Sonic's house.

"Haha! Did you see Eggman! He was a girl!" The blue speedster pranced around, laughing, before Silver jabbed him.

"I think you changed as well. Go look in a mirror."

Shrugging, Sonic went over to the large dressing mirror. They others followed him over. Seconds later, they all peeked at their reflections.

Sonic let out a shrill scream.

Shadow stared. And stared. And stared some more.

Silver was brain dead.

Tails started crying.

And Knuckles fainted.


A/N: This is a new story! I just completed a book, and this is another Sonic adventure. Hopefully you guys like it. This one is more of a comedy style than a romance one. Thanks for reading, and Bye!

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