Aspectabund (Wordables #3)

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Summary: They loved Tsuna as a whole person. But, if they had to choose one thing they loved the most about his appearance, it would be his eyes. After all, the eyes were windows to one's soul.

A/N: This was just sitting in my drafts, so I present to you Wordables #3. Apologies for any mistakes found in this.

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Origin: English

Letting or being able to let expressive emotion show easily through one's face and eyes.

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Tsuna was very expressive. It was easy to tell if he was terrified, sad, upset, or angry. The number of times any of them had seen the brunet angry could count it on one hand, and they knew to keep it that way. Sad was not the same as upset, and everyone wanted Tsuna to just be happy.

Except, sometimes, happiness can only come from despair, where you know that you should treasure the happiness you have, and everything you have that isn't taken for granted.

So many times, all the emotions his friends had seen were from his beautiful, honey-brown eyes, that slowly woke to another colour all together in a blink.

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Tsuna reaches out and cups Lambo's face gently, his face so very soft, and comforting. It's time to go to sleep, yet Lambo didn't seem to be ready yet. The five-year-old is very loud, so as his caretaker, Tsuna had to make him sleep.

"It's time for bed. You're all ready to go, aren't you?" Tsuna says, his voice soft and tender. His eyes bleed with colour, and Lambo can't help but laugh as he refuses to sleep, though his own eyes stare at the teen's in fascination.

"I don't want to sleep!" Lambo protests, staring at him. Tsuna shakes his head, a smile upturned on his lips.

"Do you want a story?" He suggests. He brings out a hand, prepared to count any option to get Lambo to sleep. "Or maybe, a lullaby?"

"I want to play!" Lambo says, sitting up and reaching out his arms. Immediately, Tsuna knows what he wants. There had been a time where he had carried the boy on his back, and from there, Lambo had loved the joy and feeling of it.

He smiles, considering the idea. "Will you go to sleep after?"

"Yes!" Lambo agrees. "Yes!"

"Promise?" Tsuna asks, holding out his pinky.

Lambo presses his lips together, not wanting to promise -- he couldn't break any promises, should he swallow a thousand needles! But his yearning to be carried by the teen breaks his conviction to not make any promises, and he hooks his pinky around the brunet's. They say the words, and then, he's in Tsuna's arms.

When he's in the brunet's arms, everything is beautiful. He can see the moonlight shine through the window, the stars glittering (just for him, Tsuna assures), and everything is quiet. He can see Tsuna's face, his eyes, the light in them, the orange it had recently turned. Lambo can't remember the eyes being any other colour.

Tsuna murmurs sweet nothings, comforting things that are lost in his sound. The last sight Lambo sees is his older brother's eyes.

They're beautiful, sweet and comforting. Powerful and alluring. They sing him to sleep all on his own, and he hugs the brunet tight as he falls asleep.

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