What is your Name?

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Summary: Tsuna always had trouble of introducing himself when he started school. Ten years later, he can do with ease.  

A/N: I have no excuses for any of my late updates. I do have some explanations, if you would like to read them. 

I have moved the one-shot Eating Habits into a book I was planning to make: a collection of Katekyo Hitman Reborn one-shots I randomly type up when I feel like it. 

Each one-shot will have a picture along with it. The picture means to represent the story, or at least a part/relationships of it.

This will update randomly, will have no pairings (ever). 

I do not own the cover, thank you for reading.


"Can you tell me your name?"

The brunet stared at his mother's hand. They have been practicing for weeks, yet, he still couldn't do it. Gulping, he took his mother's outstretched hand and shook it.

"S-Sawada Tsunayoshi." Tsuna stuttered.

Sawada Nana clapped. "You did it, Tsu-kun! You said your name!"

Tsuna blushed. "O-Okaa-san.. I've been practicing for weeks and this is how far I got.."

Nana gave a smile to her three-year-old-turning-four son. "Tsu-kun! You tried and that's all that matters!"

Brown, doe eyes looked at a glistening, familiar brown ones. "Really?"

"Un! You're Tsu-kun, no matter what!"

Arms wrapped around the mother's torso. "I love you, Okaa-san."

Nana was shocked. Tsuna usually stood as far as possible from meeting someone, and chances were that he would never make contact, or let the other make contact with him; even his own mother. Every touch he gave.. it was like a spark of a warm, dying flame yearning to protect the ones it loved.

She slowly wrapped her arms around his small, frail body, and they both savored each other's warmth. "I love you too, Tsu-kun."

Arms gripped her as tears started to fall.


"What's your name?"

Older honey-brown eyes stared at the hand before him. They have been practicing for weeks, yet he felt like he was already in the edge. Reborn on his side wasn't helping either.

He focused on the hand and forced himself to remain calm. The feeling of Nana's touch on his older, stronger body was still there, even after ten years. He looked into his Rain Guardian's eyes, and with a smile, he accepted the handshake.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi." He said, with confidence that made not only himself, but his friends around him smile.

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