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"Hold her hair back", said my sister to my friend Angie as I puked my guts out over the toilet.

"Why the hell did you let her drink that much!?!" Yelled my sister Jacquelyn to Angie.

By then I had managed to pull myself together and stand up on Angie's defense. "Jac, Angie was actually telling me to stop I just wouldn't listen to her, just chill it's all my fault."


"Oh, so now the big ole' Jacquelyn wants to come up here and tell me how to live my life!"

I yelled back at her now in rage

"You know that since mom died I'm the one taking care of you, and it's not a very easy task with you running around from club to club whenever the hell you feel like it!"

Whenever I get reminded of my mom not being with me anymore I think I die a little more inside.

"You know what" I said, with tears now in my eyes , "If I'm making your life so damn difficult I think I should pack my things and get out of your life."

Jacquelyn figured that she had gone too far naming mom and knew she hurt me bad.

"Look, we should just get home and you get some sleep. It's just the drinks talking now."

Jac knew that she couldn't talk me out from this.

"Go to hell, I'm leaving on my own." I said as I stumbled my way out of the bathroom and back into the music blaring dance floor. I somehow made my way of the club.

"Alexandra! WAIT UP!!" Shouted Angie, running down the street.

"Angie, just leave me alone. I promise I'll be fine. I'll go to your place eventually, I just want to be alone now, PLEASE!"

I felt like puking again but managed to keep it down as I walked barefoot down the street. I felt myself blush as I saw people looking at me in disgust. My heels in my hand, my hair a mess, vomit on my tight black dress. I'd be giving myself a dirty look too if I was them, I walked into the first store and went to the bathroom.

I looked hideous! I washed my face and rinsed my mouth out, rubbed some of the vomit off my dress too. After battling with my hair for awhile I managed to make it look decent and I put my shoes back on.

I looked at my phone; 2:45am. I didn't want to bother Angie, so I guess I was just going to wonder the streets of Manhattan till morning and then I'll go to Angie's.


Sorry it's such a short chapter, I'm trying to update every week!!

Love you all


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