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Chapter 2: Target

I didn't managed to finish my essays last night. I just decided to get it done before my English subject comes at school. Just thinking about what happened yesterday makes me lose focus on what I'm doing. I'm trying my very best to just forget about the accident and just move on to my supposed to be 'normal' day at school. 

But how can you forget that when everybody in the school is gossiping about it?!

Dad dropped me off to school like usual. Even before I got out of the car, I have this mindset of acting normal. Act like nothing happened. But as soon as I stepped out of the car, I completely feel the stares. Yes, the stares.

I tried to ignore all the deadly stares I'm getting. Walking faster than usual. I let out a deep sigh after I got to my room. I was like holding my breath while walking. I sat down and relaxed myself. 

It's going to be okay, Athena. You're going to survive this day.

Daphgne arrived just right before our professor. She partied all night and still had a massive hangover. I just shook my head at her and turned my attention back to the class. 


The class ended and it was the time for lunch. I packed my notebooks back to my bag and turned towards Daphgne.

Her eyes are wide open also her mouth. I crossed my arms before kicking Daphgne's chair. She jolted from her seat and suddenly stood up. "Yes professor?" She asked, eyes are clearly showing she's just woken up from her sleep. 

"Hey! The class is over! It's lunch time! Go pack your things up," I said while face palming. She massaged her head before lazily picking up her bag. She turned towards me and mouthed, "Let's go,"

I chuckled at her before standing up and lightly slapped her in the head to tease her. She turned to me with a frown painted on her face. "I'm not in the mood to play with you right now, Athena," She said, visibly annoyed.

I giggled before asking what happened last night. "You do know that you have classes tomorrow and you still managed to party up until the morning?" She looked at me like I asked her the most ridiculous thing ever. "That party includes the hottest guys in the school! Don't you know?" She asked as she sat down in front of me. 

I just shrugged and looked at her. "I stayed up late at night to finish my essay in English. Anyways, could you do me a favor? I really need to finish my essay. So can you buy me any meal for now?" I puppy-eyed her and she just sighed.

Daphgne stood up and went to the counter to order some food. I took out my papers and started writing.

I was about to finish the last paragraph of my essay when I heard a loud noise entering the cafeteria. I choose to ignore it because I'm on the bridge of finishing my essay.

The loud noise consisting of laughs and teases continued and grew closer to our table. I slam my ballpen to the table in irritation.

They are so freaking loud! I can't focus on my essay! The last part should be the most memorable and leaves something on the readers. But I can't write something like that if these people aren't going to shut their mouths!

The noise is so close that I can predict that they're on the table next to us. I took a peek on the table and I'm right. The table are full of jocks and just casually ruining other people by their annoying chattering. Those chattering usually includes boasting their bodies, new flings and teasing.

My eyes grew wide as I met Yuzuru's eyes staring at me. I quickly averted my gaze and went to my papers. Shit. I did not just made eye contact with him. Yeah. Definitely did not so let's focus on our essay, eat and freaking leave this place.

I don't why I'm making a big deal about having an eye contact with 'that' guy. After that incident, I just promised myself not to interact with him anymore. Now that I know what certain effects I'll be getting when I 'interact' with Yuzuru.

After a few minutes, I got to finish my essay and Daphgne came back with our food. 

"What took you so long?" I asked her as I took a sip form my coke. She suddenly gave me this bored face. "Do you know how long the line is? And some freaking jerks are just cutting in the lines! Like, I'm freaking starving!" 

I just nodded at her, agreeing to all the facts she just stated. I was munching on my food when Daphgne leaned in to me and whispered.

"Does Yuzuru have any interest in you?"

I choked and immediately went to take sip from my coke. I wiped my lips and chin because of the food and coke around it. "What kind of question is that?" I said while glaring at her.

"I don't know. He's staring at you like crazy! Ever since I went back here, I kept on seeing him staring at you," She shrugged. 

I rolled my eyes and told her to ignore it because Athena is exactly beside us. The 'pretty' Athena. In short, his ex. So maybe Daphgne just misunderstood the look since he's looking at our way.

"No, seriously. Tell me when like you're gonna say 'yes' to him," She said and wriggled her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up and eat," I said.

I continued to eat but curiosity is just killing me. Is he really looking at me? No, Athena! You're just an assuming potato! Go back to eating and go to your next class! 

I tried stopping myself from looking at Yuzuru's way but I can't!

My eyes sneakily took a peek at their table and jolted from my seat when I saw him, smirking. At me! Yes at me! 

I didn't finish my meal and left Daphgne at the table. As soon as I stepped out of the cafeteria, I felt a huge lump in my throat is removed. I was able to breathe properly which was great.

Now, I feel guilty about leaving Daphgne behind. She must be so confused right now. I'll just explain it to her later.

This Yuzuru fiasco is really turning into something bad. I can already feel it.


I arrived at the class earlier than the others. Actually, I'm glad that my classmates weren't around yet because I need to free my thoughts.

This Yuzuru accident affects me in a really crazy way! I hate it! I'm not used to get paranoid because of this reason. I'm usually worried about school work. It's very unusual for me!

I have to avoid him in any way. In that way, I can comfortably walk around the school. Not worrying whether I would bump into him again, which is a really bad idea.

Earlier in my classes, I heard my classmates talk trash about me. Saying that I really intented to bump into Yuzuru. Calling me horrible names. And I don't want it to continue any longer!

Class started already. Luckily, Daphgne managed to arrive before our proffesor.

It went on and on. Until, the last period was over! Finally!

I was arranging my stuffs when Daphgne suddenly started screaming towards me.

"What in the freaking world Daphgne?!" I said. She just pulled me outside the classroom and my mouth gaped open.

Yuzuru is standing before me, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

Daphgne leaned in closer and whispered,

"I think you're his target,"


I think this chapter is so short and boring! What do you think? And I'm so sorry I wasn't able to publish new chapter right away. I kinda stucked in the middle of writing it so I needed to fresh up my mind.

PrinceYuzuru ❄ logging out

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