Bitch Much ?

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Ashley's POV

When the song was over , I went over and hugged Shawn tightly , then kissed Hayes . " That's was beautiful guys . It really was . " Then I see all 10/12 + 3 come out clapping . " You guys ! Be quiet ! Nash's going to find out what's wrong with Cam ," said Carter . After that , everyone became quiet . Matt , Ari , and Hayes all looked at me with terror masked on their face .

" Who the hell invited them ?! " I asked . I knew I sounded like a bitch , but no one could find out what's happening with Cam . It would ruin our family . " Then I hear ," I have feeling's for Ashley " ... All eyes turned to me and Carter hung up on Nash . Holy shit ...

Carter's POV

Holy fucking shit ... This is crazy . I thought Ashley would laugh and say ," You guys got punked " and laugh but she stood there , wide - eyed . Then Michy comes running like a fucking bull and tackles Ashley . " YOU STUPID WHORE ! BECAUSE OF YOU , CAM CALLED OF THE ENGAGEMENT ! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING !" With that said . Michy punches her . Bad choice Michy .

Ashley grabs Michy's head and flips her over . Ashley crawls on Michy . " LISTEN ! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR HIM TO LOVE ME ! OKAY ?! HE FUCKING TOOK CARE OF ME ! HE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ! NO ONE CAN STOP WHO THEY FALL FOR MICHY !!" Ashley punches her and Michy knocks out . Well this is nice .

Ari's POV

Oh lord . Shit got way out of hand ... But Michy can't blame Ashley . It was Cam's decision . But when Michy punched Ashley , I was about to go kill Michy . But Matt held me back . When Ash punched her back , I was gonna scream ," Good job ." Should've , would've , could've .

Just wanted say congrats to Ari on 1k + reads & how thankful I am to be co-authoring this book with her .

- Ashley ✌️

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