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Arianna's pov

We rushed into emergency and we go to the front desk.

"Hello sweetie, how may I help you ?" The nice lady asked me.

"Um yea, I'm here to see Matthew Espinosa and Benjamin Grier."

"Yes, they're in room C-180"

"Thank you."

I ran upstairs to room C-180 and Ashley was happy to see Hayes awake with just one wound on his leg.

But Matt wasn't awake and I was confused about that so I asked the doctor why wasnt he.

"Well he got shot 5 times and also he got shot near the heart. He lost a lot of blood and seemed to slip in a coma. He might not make it. Im so sorry." He said and walked away.

I looked at everyone in shocked and then Makayla came up to me and hugged me.

Finally, I broke down crying.

"Hey Ari, is okay. He'll wake up." Aaron said hugging me.

"I don't know Aaron. I dont know..." I whisperd.

I kept crying and crying and crying.

I'm so devastated.

How can someone do such a thing ?

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